Rise to Greatness 2024
{{ Sunday, June 2
London, England
Taking Hold of the Flame }}
“Mom? What the fuck was that?”
Amy walks past gorilla after being eliminated from the Flame by Shaun Cruze of all people. She had already completed her main objective tonight – beat the shit out of and eliminate Simon. Going on to win the whole thing would have been bonus, but alas, Amy’s no-win streak for battle royals remains.
“What was I supposed to do, Jay? Stop myself mid-air? The man grabbed me from—”
“I didn’t mean you being eliminated and you know it.”
Amy stops, still catching her breath, and moves out of the way to lean against the wall, right where a hallway begins. Jaina stands in front of her with her arms crossed.
“I did what I came here to do. That’s what.”
“You went apeshit, is what you did.”
Amy scoffs. “Nah, you haven’t seen me go that far. I wouldn’t let you watch that Circle.” The VWA 7th Circle chamber match where Amy beat her ex-husband Dustin Diablo unconscious with a steel pipe. It was a bloody mess.
“Do you really think I’ve never seen it after all this time?”
Amy stares at her daughter for a moment. Of course Jaina had seen it by now, it was ten years ago. “Okay. Then you know that what I did out there tonight was nothing compared to what I could have done.”
Jaina sighs. “That’s not the point though, Mom. You ignored him for months and all of a sudden he’s your target? What happened?”
Amy pushes herself off the wall, getting in Jaina’s face. “He tried to abduct you, that’s what!” She then turns to go down the hallway.
“Mom, wait! That’s true but….” Amy keeps walking, Jaina’s words fading as she goes farther away.
Down the hall and around a corner, Amy walks into her locker room. She can hear the crowd noise, as the match is still going on. Waiting for her in the locker room is Wyatt. There’s a monitor on the wall, playing the live feed, with the sound muted. Wyatt was never one to stand near the entrance; he didn’t like being ‘in the way.’
“Tough break, sweetheart.”
“It doesn’t matter. I did the important part.” Amy sits on a bench and peels her gear top off, revealing her black sports bra underneath. She tosses it aside with more force than necessary.
“What, zeroing in on Lyman and giving him the attention he’s wanted from you for months?”
“Yes! I know you wanted me to leave it alone, and I wanted to, too. I tried. Bree tried to handle but he wouldn’t stop. Going after her was one thing, she can take care of herself. But then he…” Amy stops, shaking her head in anger. Wyatt walks over to her and places his hands on her shoulders.
“I know. But it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you run into a match with that much… rage. Violence. And don’t give me the ‘but it’s wrestling, we’re supposed to be violent’ spiel I’ve heard a hundred times. This was different. Ever since that concussion you’ve been different.”
“Because I’ve had to be.” Amy speaks without looking up.
“Do you, though? You’ve done pretty well for yourself the last few years leaving that shit behind.”
Amy looks up now, glaring. “Have I? Have you seen my record since I came out of retirement?”
“We’ve talked about this, baby. I’m going to do what I need to do, no matter what that takes.”
Wyatt sighs, still holding her shoulders. “We have, and I still think there’s no real need to go to that violent place.”
“You think that was violent? Wait til Method of Sacrifice.”
“I’m aware VWA requires a different style to get through. But—”
“I have to get through a qualifier to get into the Circle. And after that…” Amy shakes her head, and shakes Wyatt’s hands off her shoulders. “The Circle is another world. Anything and everything goes in there. I want my fucking World Championship back and I will stop at nothing to get there.”
Wyatt sighs again. “I get that, but that’s there. This is here, and that kind of… assault, just isn’t necessary.”
Amy stands up and gets in Wyatt’s face, just like she did to Jaina a few minutes ago.
“He tried to kidnap our daughter! You know goddamn well what that would have done to her, you were there. You were fucking there when we found her in that cemetery, and pulled her out of that grave hole, covered in dirt.” Shaking her head, Amy glares, seeming on the verge of breaking down into tears. “She was three, and to this day she will not step one toe into a cemetery. She’s never been to Heath’s grave. And Simon was going to toss her into a dark trunk and—”
Wyatt grabs Amy and pulls her into a hug. Amy resists a few seconds, then relents, leaning into him.
“I know, I know. Jaina acts like it didn’t bother her, then and now. But I know her better than that. You have every right in the world to be angry. He went too far.” Wyatt pulls back to look Amy in the eyes. “But that doesn’t mean you have to meet him at his level.”
“You think this is it? I’ve only just started to give him everything he’s asked for. He wanted my attention? He knew what buttons to push, except he actually flipped a killswitch, and there’s no turning it off.”
Knowing he can’t reason with her in this state, Wyatt lets her go and backs away, both physically and verbally. “Okay. I give up.” He holds his hands up. “You’ve made up your mind that you have no limits here. Just promise me you’ll keep yourself safe.”
“I promise I’ll try. That’s the best I can give you.”
Wyatt simply nods, and takes a seat.
In the silence, Amy hears “Duality” playing from the arena. Oh good, Josh won. Someone deserving.
{{ Sunday, June 30
Harvey, LA
Amy’s home }}
The few weeks since the Flame, Amy has been on another level. The first Breakdown following, Simon thought it was a good idea to go to the ring and continue to spew his bullshit and lies about Amy – although calling her a witch isn’t exactly a lie – and Amy had enough. She ran out there, hit him with a chair, then used said chair to rid SCW of Dylan Howel, for a few weeks at least, by fracturing his ankle.
Following that, one week Simon assaulted Adam Sharper, taking offense with some of his commentary. Amy wouldn’t stand for that and she went out there and put a stop to it.
It’s now a few days after VWA’s Method of Sacrifice, and Amy is home, tending to her bruised face and pride. While Amy did get past the qualifier and into the Circle, it wasn’t in a manner she wanted. Ghalleon got Michale Black DQ’d to ensure she would be in that chamber. Once inside, Amy fought for her life in there, even getting her hands on a steel pipe again. In the end she was forced to quit, as Shane Lawson had her head in the door of one of the pods and was determined to slam it over and over until either she caved or her skull did. It was hard to believe this was the same man who raised her hand as VWA World Champion eight years ago. Amy gave up after her nose exploded blood. She wasn’t trying to get another concussion and miss more ring time, or possibly not return at all. Thankfully, her nose isn’t broken, just badly bruised.
With Method of Sacrifice over though, Amy feels she can now turn her full attention to SCW and Simon’s continued bullshit. He hasn’t given up, in fact he’s pushed further and further. Amy had enough of his games and decided she needs to get creative. Simon wants to play God? She can play that game, too. It’s been a while, but the ability is always there.
Currently in her office, Amy sits in the middle of the floor, a number of books and papers strewn about. One book, a thick binder with mostly handwritten pages, is directly in front of her. Three others lay open, turned to pages Amy was researching. In her lap, a small notebook, and on the notebook page are several symbols drawn, then crossed out.
Amy is so engrossed in her books that she doesn’t hear Wyatt walk in. He steps past her, looking down, and recognizing the materials.
Amy jerks her head up, slightly startled. “What? Oh… I didn’t hear you.”
“I noticed. Uh… what exactly are you doing with all of that?”
“Oh, this?” Amy waves her hand over her books. “Research. I had to refresh my memory on a few things.”
Wyatt squats down next to her. “These are your witchcraft books, and Book of Shadows” Wyatt gestures to the binder for the latter.
“Very astute observation.” Amy glances down at the binder in front of her; her Book of Shadows, a witch's personal spell book. It’s turned to a page with a header saying “Bind Runes” and tiny pentagrams along the border.
“You haven’t pulled this stuff out in a long time.” Wyatt sits, deciding this might be a longer conversation than he could have while squatting.
“I haven’t needed to in a long time. Not these particular things, anyway.” Amy looks back down at her notebook, then flips a page on one of the books resting above the binder.
“What exactly are you trying to do?”
Amy points to the binder. “Binding.”
“Let me guess. Lyman?”
“Who else would I need to bind right now, huh?”
“Are you sure this,” Wyatt waves his hand over the books. “Is the route you want to go?”
Amy smacks the notebook on her leg in annoyance. “I thought you wanted me to curb the violence?”
Wyatt nods. “Okay, that’s fair. But—”
“Listen. The last time someone in wrestling pushed me to use any of this was at least fifteen years ago, and it worked. I got into his head, literally, and made him question his entire life. This… isn’t that complex. It’s a binding that will just annoy him for a day or so. If he wants to keep playing games, calling me names, I’ll show him that yes, I am a witch, and he’s pushed me too far.”
“I’m not gonna pretend to know what exactly a binding is, but it doesn’t sound too harmful.”
“This particular one I’m putting together isn’t. It’ll just keep him from using certain words.”
“What if this doesn’t get your message across?”
Amy shrugs. “I have other ideas.” She goes back to the book, then starts to draw in the notebook again.
“I don’t think I want to ask.”
Amy looks up for a second. “You don’t.” She goes back to her work. Wyatt just watches as she draws slowly, checks another page in another book, and adds to the symbol. Amy feels the silence to be uncomfortable and looks back up.
“You don’t want me to do any of this, do you?”
“A few weeks ago, I would have said no. I thought you were hyperfocusing after having ignored his antics for so long. But I’ve seen what he’s said and done since the Flame. I don’t care what you do.” Amy grins, but it morphs into a smirk. “As long as you are safe.”
“I can protect myself.”
“Then do your worst. Whatever that means.” Wyatt leans over and kisses her cheek, then pushes himself up to his feet. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Amy watches her husband walk out, and he closes the door softly. Grinning, she goes back to her task. Wyatt just gave her his full blessing to do anything she feels necessary.
{{ Monday, July 1
Gretna, LA
BlackOut Academy }}
Not all of Amy’s plans to get under Simon’s skin and into his head (not literally) were magickal. One idea is something Amy probably should have done weeks ago. Maybe months.
Sitting in her office at BOA, Amy takes a deep breath before hitting Call on her phone screen. It rings a few times before there’s an answer.
“Hey Amy! Been a while.”
“I know it has, Spencer, and I’m sorry for not keeping better in touch.”
“Nah, you don’t have to apologize. I’m just messing with you. I know you’ve had some shit going on. Last we talked you just left rehab, how’s that going?”
“Good, really good. Everything is okay at home, I’m squeaky clean.”
“Glad to hear it!”
“How are you? I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time…”
“Not at all. I was just leaving the gym. Sitting in my car. I’m good, gym job is going well. Tell your man thanks again for the reference, by the way.”
“Of course.”
“Little bro seems to be calming his immature ass down finally, so that’s one less thing to worry about.”
“I know you were concerned about him.”
“Always am. Always. So…. Lemme guess. You called instead of email or text for a reason, right?”
Amy takes a deep breath. “You know me too well. Yes, I did. I have a rather large favor to ask you. And I know it’s a big ask, but—”
“But nothing. What do you need?”
“Well… have you been paying any attention whatsoever to SCW?”
“As little as I possibly can. I know you were hurt, I know Bree’s a champion, I know that Hudson guy won the Flame. That’s it.”
“So you have no clue what Simon has been up to?”
Spencer scoffs. “Are you kidding? He’s the reason I avoid that shit as much as possible.” Spencer had no love lost for his long-lost father. The last time Amy and Spencer spoke at length, she’d told him a somewhat tame version of what happened with Simon, why she ended up in rehab. All of which had occurred after he left town.
“Fair enough. I know you have more than enough reason to avoid him, despite the way he tried to have a part in your life.”
“Listen, yeah he tried. And I was gonna give him a chance, after I found out he wasn’t lying about not knowing about me. Hard to accept Mom told a different version of events, but hey, no one is perfect.”
“I’m sure she only did what she thought was best for you.” Amy had made this comment before, when Spencer first told her his discovery.
“I’m trying to accept that. Anyway, I was gonna try to get to know him. I contacted him, to tell him what I found out about Mom. He never answered me. Not once. Straight up ignored me. I was right. Maybe Mom lied, but I was still right. I always knew something was off about that man.”
That was well before anything happened between Amy and Simon, so that mess had nothing to do with Simon ignoring Spencer. Maybe he just felt ashamed and—no. Stop making excuses. Amy takes another deep breath.
“Then what I’m gonna tell you now might not be such a shock.”
Spencer groans. “What the fuck did the old man do now?”
Amy explains everything to her former protégé. From the injury at Josh’s hands at the End of the Year Special, to the change in personality, the personal attacks, going after Bree and Jaina.
“Oh no, I know he didn’t fuck with her, too!” Spencer sounds angry. He and Jaina were close friends before he went back to Texas. Amy isn’t sure if they still talk (because of Marie), but clearly he still cares about her.
“Yeah. He did. So, I’m finding myself in a position where I have to confront him. Probably fight him, just to get him to finally leave me alone.”
“What an absolute fucknuckle. So, what’s all of that got to do with me?”
“Well…. He’s drug up everything personal about me and my family he could think of, gone after them. I thought perhaps its time I get personal right back.”
After a few moments of silence, Spencer makes a noise that to Amy sounds like clicking his tongue against his teeth.
“You want me to come down there and say something.”
“Yes. I can’t think of anything else that might get through all of this delusional shit he’s been talking.”
“Actin’ like Jesus or some shit, right?”
“A twisted version, yes.”
“And everyone thought I was the crazy one.” Spencer chuckles.
“I didn’t.”
“I know. You always had my back. And because of that… okay. I’ll come for a lil visit.”
Amy sighs in relief, closing her eyes. This was the play she thought would make the most impact, even if the bind runes do fuck with Simon’s head like she hopes. This would be deeper.
“Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I might.” A pause makes Amy imagine Spencer’s smirk. “Listen though, I can’t drop everything and be there tomorrow. I got some things planned I can’t cancel.”
“I understand, and I wouldn’t ask you to. But, I would appreciate it as soon as you possibly can.”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll take a look at my schedule and figure it out. I’ll let you know in a day or two.”
“That’s fine, thank you.”
“Hey, I always said… anything for you.” Another pause. “While I got you, lemme ask you something.”
“How’s Marie?”
“You haven’t spoken with her?”
“A few times. A few weeks after I left I called and apologized for just bailing. She was still upset, understandably, but appreciated that I called. We spoke a few times after that, but not any time recently. Last time I tried she didn’t answer, so… y’know?”
“Yeah. Well, she’s doing good. She’s not wrestling anymore. She got hurt a while back and never went back. She’s a big help to Bree with her son. And, um… she’s staying with Jaina.”
“Mmhmm. I got the impression from Jaina that a lil something something was going on there.” So they did speak.
“I think it’s more out of convenience than anything else, to be perfectly honest with you.” Amy had long since stopped trying to figure out Jaina and Marie’s relationship. She knew both of them had seen others, but she also knows they share a bedroom.
“Noted. Don’t tell her I asked.”
“I would never.” Amy smirks, she means it though.
“Thanks. And hey, thanks for calling me with this. I hesitated for a second or two, but I think this will be a good thing. I can vindicate myself, you know?”
“I think you’re right. Thank you for agreeing.”
“You got it.”
Spencer promised to let Amy know in a day or two when he would be able to make the trip. She knew better than to expect him to be available for the upcoming Breakdown in a few days, so she continues with her plans with the runes, now expanded to include Simon’s lackeys, too.
{{ Thursday, July 4
Memphis, TN
Breakdown }}
Breakdown is live and on air, and Amy has a job to do. After confirming her plans with Jaina, Amy makes her way into Simon’s locker room. No one is there for the moment, Simon and his lackeys have left, Amy watched them leave. Now inside with the door closed, she gets to work.
A small can of iridescent paint in one hand, and a sponge brush in the other, Amy approaches the wall on the side of the lockers. Somewhere that wouldn’t be seen right away, but once noticed, unmistakable.
“Well, here goes. Odin be with me.” Amy sets the can on a nearby chair, and dips the brush in. She starts painting with a straight line on the wall, then some shorter ones branching off. As she works, she whispers to herself.
“May this bind rune bind their tongues. No Brother or Sister. No Saved. May this bind rune bind their tongues. No Brother or Sister. No Saved. May this bind rune bind their tongues. No Brother or Sister. No Saved.”
She continues the chant as she finishes painting the rune on the wall, going over it three times to seal it. Done, she stands back and looks at her work.
“As I will it, so mote it be.”
With a deep breath, Amy pulls herself out of what she calls ‘chant mode,’ shaking her head. “Okay. That should do it. This shimmery stuff is a nice touch.” Amy picks up the paint and brush, now in a plastic bag to avoid a mess, and leaves, the only evidence of her presence there being the large rune painted on the wall.
Amy quickly drops off her supplies into her own locker room, then walks down the hallway with a purpose. She’s looking for a crew member she trusts, that she spoke to earlier in the day. Seeing him, she speeds up her steps.
“Jimmy… hey, Jimmy!” Amy speaks in a loud whisper. The man turns around and smiles at her.
“Hey Amy, I was just looking for you. You said you needed a favor?”
“Yeah, I do. Uh… there’s a locker room that’s going to need some paint removed.” Jimmy’s eyes widen. “You’ll see. What I need though, is for you guys to save cleaning it for the last task you do before SCW vacates the venue.”
“Uh… that’s a little strange, but okay. Can I ask why?”
“I just need it there for as long as possible. When it’s gone, so will be its effects.”
Jimmy takes a step back. “Wait, is this some witchy shit?”
“As a matter of fact… It is.”
Jimmy nods slowly. “Okay. I’ll make sure it’s last. That’ll probably be tomorrow morning.”
Amy grins. “Perfect. Thanks Jimmy, I owe you one.”
“I’ll remember that the next time I need to hex my ex-wife.”
“I’m not hard to find.” Amy laughs as she walks off.
Amy makes her way back to her locker room to meet up with Jaina. As she enters the room, Jaina is waiting, with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed.
“What now?”
“I just can’t believe you’re actually going through with this. After all the things you said about my coven going too far—”
Amy holds a hand up. “Hey. They were invoking energy that I know they can’t handle. That woman leading that group is a menace and she’s going to get people hurt.”
“Oh and painting runes on Simon’s wall and casting spells won’t?”
“You know damn well bindings don’t harm.” Jaina looks away, she knows. “He started this. He provoked first. Over and over again. You know that first hand. Are you really trying to tell me you don’t think he and his ilk don’t deserve it?”
“No.” Jaina answers quietly, then looks back up. “He does. I just think you’re being a hypocrite. This stuff is fine when it’s for your benefit but not anyone else.”
“If you can’t understand that casting a bind rune is very, very different from calling on a destructive deity, then either I failed as a teacher, or you’re just unteachable.”
Mother and daughter stare at each other a few moments. “Or maybe we just have different views of magick, and you need to accept that’s okay.”
The sounds of the crowd and entrance music interrupt them. Amy looks up in the general direction of the arena. “Look, we don’t have time for this right now. Are you going to help me or not? If not I need to figure something else out.”
Jaina sighs hard. “Yes, I’m going to help you. But you—”
“We’ll finish this discussion at home, okay?”
Jaina storms off out of the locker room. She knows her assignment. Amy shakes her head at her daughter. Hard-headed as ever, just like me, she thinks.
{{ Thursday, July 11
Toronto, ON
Breakdown }}
Amy’s plan to get into Simon’s head by binding him and his group’s ability to say their buzzwords had worked perfectly. The paint didn’t need to be shiny, but it helped freak them out once they saw it. Perception is a large part of magick. The following day Amy got confirmation from Jimmy that he was painting over it at that time and then SCW was rolling out. She thanked him again. The discussion, or rather argument, with Jaina was not finished, however. Jaina seemed to be avoiding Amy. Just as well. Amy didn't think she would change her daughter's mind on that topic.
In the meantime, Amy was contacted by Spencer. He would be coming to New Orleans after July 4th, and once he arrived, he stayed at Amy’s house to not be seen by anyone. They made their plans, and earlier tonight on air, Spencer put those plans into action. No one expected to see him, he’d been away from the public eye for two years, after then-GM Shaun Cruze fired him after having an altercation with Simon. He was United States Champion at the time. The crowd was stunned, and then interested in what he had to say. Amy watched from gorilla as Spencer laid into Simon verbally, and did his best to try to get through to him. Amy promised psychological war, and Spencer’s appearance was part of that. Simon though didn’t buy it and tried to attack… which didn’t go well. Spencer fought back, and while Simon ended up with the upper hand, so to speak, after landing a low blow…. The statement had been made. Simon was so out of control and delusional that even his estranged son felt the need to come in person and try to put a stop to it.
Breakdown is still ongoing, as Amy and Spencer talk in the hallway, Spencer sitting on a crate. Unknown to either, a live camera shows them on air for a few seconds as they speak.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. Not like I’ve never taken a nut shot.” Spencer winces.
“I didn’t mean physically.”
“Oh. That. Well… I’d like to say I’m surprised he took everything down that road, but I’m really not.”
“I think he took a swing because you pushed the right button.”
“Which means he knows I’m right.”
“Deep down… really deep… I think he does. Part of me suspects most of this is an act, and he doesn’t really believe this shit he’s spewing about God and saving people. He just wants to fuck with me.”
“Well, as long as I’m around he’s gonna keep getting that button pushed and reminded that he’s fucking wrong.”
Amy gives Spencer a look. “Does that mean you’re sticking around for a while?”
Spencer shrugs. “I don’t know. You know I talked with CHBK earlier, clearing me for air, right?” Amy nods. “Well, I made a comment about how Shaun Cruze was back poking around. He said he thinks what happened with me was Cruze over reacting and firing me was too harsh. Said if I want back in, he’s got a spot for me.”
“That’s good of him. Are you going to take him up on that offer?”
“Told him I’ll think about it. The idea of getting that title back I never lost is pretty tempting.” Spencer smirks.
“I bet it is.”
“Anyway, I don’t know about that yet, but I’ll stick around til Rise to Greatness, so I can attend. I gotta see how this is gonna end.”
“I’m sure I’ll be in the ring with him in some form or another.”
“Well, if he pulls any bullshit, Ima have your back.”
Amy smiles. “I know. Thank you.” Just then, Jaina walks up to them. Amy takes a step back. “I’ll let you two talk.” Amy then walks off.
We open to a shot of Amy Chastaine, seated on the turnbuckles of the second rope in a BlackOut Academy ring. She’s dressed in work out gear gray tights and sports top – her trademark red hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, a few loose strands hanging around her face.
I don’t have a blog for you this time, Dear Readers. No, this requires a more personal touch. I usually write because it’s easier to make sure I’m saying what I mean and keep my emotions in check. That’s not what’s needed here. I need you all to see what I usually hide. I need you all to see exactly how far I’ve been pushed, so that when Rise to Greatness comes and I get in the ring with that man… you’ll understand why what you’re seeing is happening.
A lot of my fans have followed me since the beginning, they know what I’m capable of when I’m pushed past my limit. Those who only know me from SCW? You’re in for a treat. Or a surprise, depending on your perspective. The only person who I know isn’t going to like me one bit in St. Louis, is the man that’s pushed me to this point.
You’re the main reason this is a video and not written word. You’ve subjected all of SCW to your bullshit, your spiels, your lies about me and my family, and almost every time I’ve tried to call you out, you’ve cut me off or somehow gotten out of listening. You’re not gonna have a choice this time. You’re going to sit there and hear every goddamn word I have to say!
Amy leans forward as she raises her voice, then sits back again, calming herself. Some.
You wouldn’t even let your own son speak, the one you told me you wanted to make things right with. Well, I don’t know what happened to that, because he claims you’ve ignored him almost since the day he was fired. Maybe in the past I would have been skeptical of that, but now? After what I know you’re capable of, the lies I know you have no problem telling? I don’t doubt Spencer’s word for a second.
I’m sure you’ll fire back claiming you told no lies, that I somehow led you astray, that I’ll never truly recover, I’ll fall again… all the same shit you’ve been saying since January after a rough encounter with Josh Hudson seemed to have also given you a personality transplant. But let me tell you something, Simon. You might have all of the fans at home fooled. You might have Lisa and Elijah fooled, Dylan… hell, most of the locker room. But you don’t fool me.
I see right through you, Simon.
You seem to forget that despite the way things fell apart between us, that I know you better than most people do. The same could be said for you about me, and….
Amy pauses, shaking her head in disgust.
And that’s what angers me the most about all of this. After you lied to me, lied to my best friend, lied to my husband, you then took everything you know about me and used it to your advantage to try to turn the tables and blame me. I know I was fucked up for a long time – mostly because of you! But I cannot be gaslighted so easily. Many people have tried and most have failed. The one who succeeded? Well… let’s just say that you will never have the intelligence or manipulation skills he had that’s necessary to get to me like that. Those who know who I mean… they know I speak the truth.
But since you’re so adamant about my so-called lies, my going astray, how about I set the record straight a little bit, shall I? When you were going after Bree to get to me, she once said that she knew everything but she wouldn’t say it publicly because it wasn’t her business. Even after I gave her permission to. That’s just who she is, she doesn’t spill other people’s tea, so to speak. But I’ve got a whole teapot right here boiling over, ready to scald every single word you’ve said and show who the real liar is.
Amy smirks a little to herself.
You’re the real liar, Simon. You’ve been the real liar for a long time, and you know it. How many times have we spoken about our alcoholism and promised to be there for each other, to talk the other off the ledge, to put the bottle down? I know I’ve done that for you, and maybe you did a few times for me, but sometimes? You were the one encouraging me to go for it. We had a deal, didn’t we? If one drinks, so does the other. And you…. You wanted to do it. So you pushed and threatened to do it alone, and I’ll admit it… manipulated me into doing it with you.
Just like you manipulated me into doing quite a few things with you. The public has known for a long time about my open marriage, but what they haven’t known, until this moment, is your part in it.
Oh yes. I’m going there.
I’m not the one who has shame over it, because I’m not the one who did something wrong. I’m not going to talk about a few years ago, other than to acknowledge it happened then, instead I’m going to jump right to last year. I’ll openly admit I brought the idea to you, but after that? You took over with one lie after another.
Amy seems to have forgotten she’s talking on camera, rather than to just Simon.
You were too much of a coward to actually ask your girlfriend, my best friend, and instead you lied to me and told me you did and she agreed.
You lied to me!
Amy jabs an accusatory finger at the camera as she yells.
And you thought there was nothing wrong with this! I mean why would you, right? You had the best of both worlds. A girlfriend who loved you and took you into her home, made you a figure in her daughter’s life – my niece! – all the while on the side you had the other thing you’ve always wanted and thought you’d never have.
Where did lying get you, huh? You were left with nothing after you betrayed both of us! And the kicker, oh here’s the best part, the bullshittiest part of it all…. Your defense when you were caught?
You did it because you loved me.
Amy shakes her head, and laughs. Low, almost diabolically.
You don’t even know what love is. I thought you did. At one time I thought I felt the same, but the person I thought I loved doesn’t exist. Because that man… would have never lied to get what he wanted. He wouldn’t have broken rules. No, that man would have actually spoken to his girlfriend, and then abided by whatever her decision was. And you and I both know now… that she would have given you an enthusiastic and unmistakable no. I could have lived with that answer. But you? You were so afraid of that answer that you never asked the question!
I think I know why. Because you knew what the answer would be. And you couldn’t have that, because you had to have me.
Amy puts her arms up, palms up in an exaggerated shrug position.
Look where we are now! You can try to blame me for it, for pushing you away, firing you from BlackOut Academy, ignoring you as long as I did, but you know… you know all of this is your own fault!
Amy points at the camera again, more at Simon himself.
You are the one who lied. You are the one who betrayed and failed people you claimed to love. You are the one who gave in to your addiction rather than face up to your own mistakes. I went to rehab and got my shit together while you showed up to the Academy drunk and thought you could teach! My students!
Jumping off the ropes now, Amy points to herself.
My students! You were going to willingly and knowingly put them in danger! That’s why you were fired, Simon. You think it was personal because of our personal issue, but no. It was because you threatened the safety of my students.
That was your tipping point it seems. You began to antagonize me, Bree, even Jaina. You mouthed off so much that you motivated Josh Hudson to step back into the ring just to shut you up! And after he kicked your ass… that still wasn’t enough. No… after that, you came back with… with… this.
One more head shake in disgust.
This ‘I am the way’ overly pious bullshit. I’ll give you credit though, you’re not much better than every other televangelist who preaches one thing to the people they manage to gaslight while living a completely different reality.
But you know, that’s not even the worst of all of this, is it? No, because you wouldn’t let me leave you alone!
Somehow, everything got twisted in your head and you actually believe that all of this was my fault. I don’t believe you really think you’re God’s messenger or whatever the fuck you’re supposed to be, but I do believe you blame me for everything. Why else would you continue to harass Bree? To the point where you broke into her house?! And then… then you crossed the biggest line there is.
You went after my daughter.
Amy paces the ring as she speaks, almost like a caged animal.
My daughter, Simon! Sure, she’s a grown woman. Yes, she’s ring-trained. But she’s still my daughter! And you… you weren’t trying to fight her. No no no…. no! You tried to kidnap her.
Amy stops in the middle of the ring and looks straight into the camera.
I want you to stop for a moment and really listen to that. I want it to sink into your thick skull exactly how fucking deranged you’ve become! You wanted my attention, a reaction from me so badly… that you wrapped a young woman in a blanket and tried to shove her into a car trunk.
What the absolute fuck is wrong with you?!
The pacing resumes.
You know what? Don’t answer that, because it won’t be anything even closely resembling the truth. You can try to claim you weren’t trying to hurt her, or weren’t going to, or whatever it was you said, but you have no idea what you would have actually done to her. In your mind it would have been a few minutes ride in a car, but for her? Absolute trauma and PTSD trigger. And the most fucked up thing about it?
You knew.
You knew that story, because I told you so much of my past. And you didn’t care. You just had to make your point! Well, listen very closely because I’m going to make my point now.
Everything else that you’ve done… the lying, the betraying, the spewing bullshit about me and my family? None of that compares to the pure fury that you lit in me when you decided to fuck with my child! You are lucky that all I’ve done to you so far is paint a rune on your wall and tie your tongues for a few hours.
You want to fuck with my child? Well, that’s why I brought in yours.
Amy stops in the middle of the ring again, this time with a smirk.
Yes, we’re going to talk about Spencer again. And before I get too far, I’ll say this. SCW and whole a lot of the public owe that man an apology. He tried to tell us. Hell, he tried to tell me. He knew. I don’t know how he knew, but he knew that you, Simon, were a piece of shit. And with how much wrong that’s been done to me, no one has been more wronged by you than he was. So, I thought he would jump at the chance to get in your face about your latest round of bullshit. I was right, he did. And just as we expected, you didn’t want to hear one word of it, and much like you keep doing to me, you tried to shut him up by taking a swing. At your own son.
Imagine the level of depravity a man has to sink to, to take a shot at his child.
Backing into the corner again, Amy leans on the ropes, not sitting on the pads like before, just leaning into them.
And after all of that… the absolute rage that you knew you drew out of me… you thought you had to put your hands on my daughter again to convince me to fight you? No, Simon… all you had to do was ask. There was no need to get her involved again. Now you might think you scored some kind of mental victory by forcing me to agree to fight you, and with your stipulation, but what you don’t realize is that by asking for this to be Last Person Standing?
You just asked me to end your career.
I said at the beginning of this that a lot of SCW doesn’t know what I’m truly capable of when pushed, but you do. You were one of the few friends I had from here who watched the VWA show in 2016 where I won their World Championship. The Hell In A Cell where I had to almost kill two men to be victorious. You’ve seen the 7th Circle Chamber match I keep referring to, where I made my ex-husband very well acquainted with a steel pipe. That clip was in my video before the Flame. The rest of you remember it.
All that man did was abandon me and my son, and look at what I did to him with no rules.
Simon… after all the lies, the manipulation, the betrayal, the attacking of my family? You handed me a no rules match on a silver platter and I want you to just imagine what I’m going to do to you.
I told you at Breakdown, you won’t leave St. Louis conscious.
Amy reaches behind herself, behind the ring post, and pulls out a steel pipe that must have been hidden leaning on the post. She twirls it once, then hits it into her other hand, like a cop with a baton.
I don’t make promises I can’t keep.
Amy stares deadpan into the camera for a few seconds before the video cuts.