
Body, Heart, & Soul 2024 #1


{{ Sunday, December 31
Toronto, ON
End of the Year Special }}

Even though the show isn't over yet, I've seen what I came to see. Josh's match with Simon ended about twenty minutes ago. I made myself wait long enough for Josh to get back to his locker room and pull himself together, maybe shower, before I made my way down the hall. All I need to do now is make myself knock on the door. With a deep breath, I do. A few seconds later, Josh opens it. He's damp from a shower, wearing just track pants.


“Yeah. Hi. I just, um, wanted to see if you were okay. After that.”

Josh pokes his head out the door and looks both ways down the hall. There's some crew wandering around. “Is it a good idea for you to be here, with your family in the building?”

Dom and Heath came with me. Filming was on hold for the holidays and Dom offered even though I wasn't booked, so we could be together for midnight.
“Half of the reason you even had this match was because of me. I think it's okay for me to talk to you.” Josh gives me a questioning look. “They know where I am.”

“Okay. I just don't want to cause any trouble.”

“The only way that happens if we...” I look around, and see no one. “Do anything other than talk.” I smirk, and he grins back. “You didn't answer my question. Are you okay?”

“I'm fine. Typical post-match soreness, but did you see the other guy?”

“I did.” I cross my arms and lean on the door frame. “That's why I'm asking. You seemed a little... off, afterwards.”

“Maybe I was. As I watched the medics come out to check the fucker, it occurred to me that you were here and watching.”

“You knew I was here, specifically to see it. Both me and Amy.”

“Yes, but knowing that before the match and knowing afterwards that you saw what I did, are two different things.”

“Josh, don't act as if I've never seen a match of yours before. You've done worse.”

“Maybe. But...” Josh shakes his head, and looks down the hall again. “Maybe you should step inside for a moment.”

I just nod and walk in. No one seems to notice as I close the door behind me.

“Here's the thing, Bree. What happened out there? What I did? Is not something I wanted to do. I'm not supposed to be that guy anymore, I've been trying to be better. For my daughter. But.... I had to. And I'm not sure if I like it, or what you might think of it. Or, me, now.”

“I think.... you did what you felt you had to do.”

“Someone had to. We both know Amy isn't in any mental space to deal with him, and you? There was no reason to attack you at all. He had to be stopped.”

“I agree with you. And I appreciate you stepping in. Amy does too, you know that.”

Josh turns away and goes to sit on the bench against the wall, then looks up at me.
“What about Jalyn? What would she think, if she were old enough to have seen and understood?”

“I think she'd be proud to have a dad that stands up for people who have been treated wrong.”

“I hope so.” He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees, looking down at his hands. I can almost read his thoughts; he's processing what those hands had done less than an hour ago.

I don't know what to say, so I just lean against the door and remain silent. The way he seems so concerned about what Jalyn might think years from now brings a thought to mind – maybe one reason he wanted to do something about Simon messing with Amy and me, was to make him feel like he was doing something to make up, in a small way, for the way he wasn't able to protect his wife. I wouldn't dream of voicing that thought to anyone. Josh might take it the wrong way, and as far as I know, no one else knows what happened to her. He'd asked me to keep everything he told me between us, and I have all intentions of honoring that. I don't know if Amy knows anyway, she somehow always seems to know everything. I don't plan on asking.

Josh looks up and grins at me. “As much as I'm glad you stopped by, you should probably get back.”

“I should.” I don't move a millimeter.

“Got a new year to bring in with the family.”

“I wish I could spend it with you.” It hurt a little to admit that, but it's true.

“You can't entertain me for every holiday.” He smirks. “Alex ad Jalyn are here, we'll be fine.”

“I know you will. That's not the point.”

“I know. Maybe next year.”

“Maybe.” My breath catches a little and I hope I covered it well. Two things struck me about that. One, that we both expected to still be doing this, together, in a year. And two, it's the first time I seriously contemplated the idea of being with him for real, for good, instead of in secret. The part of me that loves my family is terrified of the part of me that wants that.

Josh nods his head towards the door behind me. “Go on. We'll catch up at home.”

“Okay.” I smile, using all of my willpower to stop myself from crossing the room to kiss him. “Happy New Year.”

“You too.”

I let another second or two go by before forcing myself to turn and leave the locker room.

During the short walk back to the green room where my family is waiting, I wonder to myself how long I can keep this up.

{{ Monday, January 1
Toronto, ON
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel }}

It's mid morning and I am meeting Liz at the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. I hope they are still serving breakfast, as we both slept late. I don't know why she did, but me? Dom and I were up past midnight, thanks to Jaina agreeing to take Heath with her to her room. So we kissed at midnight, had some wine, watched fireworks out our window, and had some fun in bed before finally going to sleep. The wine must have been stronger than I thought because I didn't feel weird about it or any kind of guilt until about five in the morning when I woke up to pee and the buzz had worn off. I told myself maybe it was a good sign that I had simply enjoyed myself with my husband... but then a memory from a few hours previous flashed through my head, one where Dom had done something that wasn't his usual method, and it struck me as odd. I got back in bed and watched him sleep, wondering if it was really him that had been acting off... or if it was really just me.

Anyway, I walk into the restaurant and immediately see Liz at the table she grabbed for us. She stands and greets me with a hug, and then I see there is already coffee on the table.

“Oh my gods babe. Its like you knew I needed this.” I started to add my cream and sugar.

“Of course I knew. I know my bestie. Also, you sounded half-asleep when I called earlier, that helped.” She smirks.

“Okay, you got me there.” I grin as I sip. “Oh, this stuff is divine.”

“Late night, I take it?”

“Mhmm. Jaina kept Heath-”

“I know.”

I raise an eyebrow. “How do you know that?”

“Jaina told me.”

We look at each other a few seconds silent. I keep forgetting that they talk more now. Or... whatever it is they do. “Oh. Right.” Liz grins. Maybe I forget on purpose because I don't want to know. “Anyway... she had Heath so we used the time to our full advantage.”

“Ooh, sexy times?”

I laugh. “Yes.”

“Definitely worth losing sleep.”


“Bree! How dare you insinuate that your husband isn't always at full prowess?”

“Can we not discuss.... that, at breakfast?” This is literally the last thing I want to talk about, for many reasons.

“Lunch, then?”


She laughs. “Okay, okay. Complete subject change?”

“Thank you.”

“How about the utter joke of myself being named SCW's Star of Tomorrow?”

“I won that my first year here. How is that a joke?”

“Because I've been here longer than you?”

“You do realize that the fans vote on the winners, right?”

“Yes, but SCW chooses the nominees.”

“I... hm.” I don't have a rebuttal for that. “Okay, that is a good point. It does seem a little...”

“Disrespectful? Degrading? I can think of a few other de-words if you like.”

“Those work fine.”

Liz continues her rant about the award, but I've tuned her out. Behind her, I see Josh walking into the restaurant. A step behind him is Alex, his grown son, carrying Jalyn. I watch as Josh goes up to the server station and speaks with a server. He nods, and disappears into the back. Josh turns around to say something to Alex, and then sees me. He smiles the slightest bit. I do the same, hopefully enough that he catches it but Liz doesn't. He nods his head towards her, a questioning look on his face. I assume he's wondering if she knows about us. I shake my head no, hoping that the gesture also works with whatever Liz was saying. She's still talking. Or, she was. I realize she's stopped, and is staring at me. I turn my attention back to her.

“Bree? Are you listening?”

“Yes, of course.”

“I don't think you are. I just told you that Jaina and I are getting married next week and you gave me no reaction.”

“Excuse me, what?

Liz laughs. “See? That was what I expected. Instead, your attention was firmly somewhere else. Are you okay?”

I sigh. At least she hadn't noticed what, or who, my attention had been on. “Yes, I am fine. Just tired. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to zone out like that.”

“You're forgiven. I'm sure my prattling on about....”

I tune her out again as I watch the server hand Josh a takeout bag over the counter. He pays, and turns to leave, except he only steps out of the way of the counter before stopping and catching my eyes again. It seems like he wants to say something to me, or ask me something, but without being noticed. I am trying to think of a way to excuse myself and find a way to see what he wants, when Liz moving catches my attention. I look back at her, and see that she's turned in her seat, presumably to see what I was looking at. Josh clearly notices, as he turns away quickly, and gestures to Alex to leave. They walk out, without Josh looking back at me. I'm positive I will get a text in roughly five or ten minutes.

“Bree. What the hell was that?”

“What do you mean?”

"That look! Between you and Mr. Hudson."

I shrug, hoping I come off nonchalant. "Nothing."

Liz gives me a doubtful glance, looking down her nose. "Bullshit. Listen, I know you and him are friends, you train together. Your submission game has improved from it, everyone sees that. He literally came back to the ring to defend you... wait. Did you argue about the match last night?"

"No. Why would we do that? I'm grateful for what he did, more for Amy than me. It's not that."

Liz sits back, smirking. "So, there is something. What did you argue about, then?"

"Liz! There was no argument! Can we just drop this?"

"No. We can't. Because that look I saw was.... meaningful. You completely lost your attention on our conversation and tuned into his presence. What else other than a disagreement could have drawn your attention like that just by the man walking by?" I look down and try not to cover my face. Although it's probably a lovely shade of crimson. Liz then gasps. "Oh! Oh darling... its the complete opposite of arguing, isn't it?" I can't resist anymore and I cover my face with one hand. I can still see Liz peeking between my fingers though, and she leans on the table, closer to me, and speaks lower. "Bree. Is there something other than training going on with you two?" I can't speak. But I can't lie to my best friend. I just nod, still covering my face. "Bree. Seriously? You and... but you're... how did..." I lower my hand halfway to uncover my eyes, and Liz stops stammering.

"You can't say anything."

"Is that confirmation? I feel you should clarify to make sure I don't have the wrong idea. You and Josh are... together?" She practically whispered the last word.


"I see. Wow. So... my questions are legion."

I look up, lowering my hand away from my face completely. "Promise me you won't say anything to anyone."

"Of course, darling. I'd never break your confidence. I am however concerned about the fact you're acting very much in the shadows, and if the truth comes to light..."

"I know, okay? You can stop that. I feel shit enough already. I'm a goddamn hypocrite every time I open my mouth on camera."

Liz's expression changes from confusion to... compassion? Something less harsh and more sympathetic. "You don't feel shit enough about it to stop, though."

"No. Not enough for that."

“Its that serious?” I just nod. “How?”

That one word was asking a lot. So, I told her all of it, starting years ago and right up til the night at the gym where I stopped fighting myself. It was such a long conversation that our server took our order and also brought it out while I was still talking. We ate our breakfast as I continued, even though I wasn't very hungry anymore. When I'm done, Liz gives me that compassionate look again. Maybe I'm seeing things but it seems like she almost feels bad for me.

“That's a lot for you to be dealing with.”

“It's been... stressful, yet not. If that makes sense.”

“How so?”

“Like... when I'm with him, it feels like all is right in the world. Then I go back to regular life, and everything else just swirls around, and I constantly question myself. My sanity.”

“I don't think you're insane. You're just caught.”

“Caught. Trapped. Something like that.” I push my plate away, I can't force myself to have another bite.

“Trapped? By Dom?”

I shake my head. “I don't know. Not him specifically. Just... all of it. I have a family, and a reputation. But on the other hand... I can't pull away.” I hadn't said anything like this out loud before, and hearing my own words hits me hard. “I don't know what I'm gonna do, Liz.”

“Not right now, you don't. But my best friend is strong, resourceful, and above all... smart as fuck. You'll figure it out, one way or another. And when you do, no matter what you decide to do, I'm on your side.”

Smiling, I breathe out in relief. I don't know why but I had expected more judgment. “Thank you.”

“No thanks necessary. It's what friends do.”

“What, agree to keep secrets and lie for each other?”

“Yes! Especially so.” She smirks, and I laugh.

“Even those who made a whole persona out of telling the truth?”

“Listen. You can't speak truth to anyone until you figure it out for yourself first. If that means keeping a secret or three while you work on that, so be it. You'll speak your truth when the time is right. I believe that.”

“This is why you're the shadow side. You know when some things should stay there a while.”

“Anything you share with me is safe in the shadows until you shine the light yourself. How's that for a metaphor?” I laugh again. “I would like to ask though, is there anyone else who knows about this?”

“Amy does. She found out accidentally. And I think maybe Alex, but I'm not certain.” He'd left Josh and I alone a long time at the hotel at the Breakdown before Christmas, and it's possible he knew I had stayed the night, even though their hotel suite had separate bedrooms.

“Who is Alex? I'll go out on a limb and assume you're not referring to Mr. Desoubrais.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “Absolutely not. Alex is Josh's son. He's Jaina's age, and helps take care of the baby.”

“Oh yes, the young man I saw holding her. Good for him, being there for his dad and sister.” I expected Liz to ask about Jalyn's mother at this point, but she doesn't. “If there is anything I can do for you, I will. Whether it's just listen, or even to provide an alibi.” She smirks again. Leave it to Liz to make me laugh at the idea of needing an alibi.

“I'll remember that.”

We finish up and I insist on covering the bill. It's the least I could do for Liz after dumping everything on her.

Two hours later, I am on my plane with my family, flying back home. I did have a text from Josh, as I had expected. Several, in fact. We texted back and forth during my whole flight, as I explained my conversation with Liz. He deserved to know who knew about us. I did ask about Alex, and Josh said he didn't explicitly tell him, but 'the boy isn't dumb, he knows.' I'm trying to convince myself it's a good thing. Every now and then I'd look up at Dom and Heath. Heath slept the whole flight, and Dom seemed to be just as engrossed in his phone as I was in mine. Probably work stuff. New script pages were likely being sent, since they would get back to the set in a few days. It used to bother me when he would read over those things while we were together, but it was a blessing this time.

{{ Tuesday, January 9
Kenner, LA
Bree's home }}

I am awake early this morning, I woke up in an oddly good mood. Breakdown last week went well. I defeated Sarah Wolf, managed to stay out of her issues with Polly, and got CHBK to see my side of things concerning the Adrenaline Championship and how Autumn Valentine seems to be trying to nose her way into a position she hasn't earned. It could be argued that I didn't do anything specifically to earn a shot at the championship, either... but I've been here. I've been working and fighting. I have equity behind me. Autumn has... Lexy Chapel and a very thin grasp of how rematches are meant to work. So, both Autumn and I are going to face Alistaire Allocco for the Adrenaline Championship at Body, Heart, and Soul. There's a lot I could say about the fact its Alistaire, but I will save that for on camera.

Anyway, Heath was up at the same time I was, and I took him downstairs with me. He's been in the den watching cartoons while I make breakfast. I knew Dom would be getting up shortly after me, as he had been back to work filming since last week. He had been in a good mood too, given the recent news about his show. A few episodes were finished and some reviewers and critics were given screenings. They loved it. Raved. Paramount reacted by deciding to release half the season sooner than planned, since the hype was real and they wanted to capitalize. There were also talks of getting at least one more season ordered already, before it even hit streaming, which Dom says is a big deal. I'm happy things are going well for him, it had been rough for a while after the few movie incidents – the Ex Pats bomb and then Deep Cover 2 being canned. Maybe he was just meant for series' instead of film.

As for my good mood? Well, that's mostly because of Josh. After New Year's when Liz read me like a book and I told her everything, I had managed to spend an afternoon at Josh's place one day when Dom was working. I had to take Heath with me, but once I got there, Alex proved to both Josh and I that his knowing about us was a good thing, as he offered to take both Heath and Jalyn to the park for a few hours. When he first showed up here and came to BOA to train a little, but mostly to help Josh with Jalyn, I thought he was a little standoffish. Josh explained to me why he would be that way – they didn't have the best relationship when Alex was a child. But they're working on it now, and believe me.... I was grateful that day for Alex taking the babies and giving us a few hours alone. The holidays had really messed with our ability to see each other and we made very good use of those hours.

But... BlackOut classes started for the new year yesterday. Which means today, Tuesday, is the regular day for Josh and I to stay after classes and work out together. I am very much looking forward to that. Not just because I get to spend time with him, but because I feel like the sessions have really helped me in the ring and added a lot to my skills.

I now have Heath sitting in his chair at the breakfast table and I am pulling the tray of bacon out of the oven when Dom comes into the kitchen from upstairs. He's dressed, and has his phone in his hand.


Dom smiles as he pours his coffee. “Hey Nug. Helping Momma with breakfast?”


We both laugh. “He'll help eat it, anyway.”

“May as well stick to what he's good at.”

Dom sits at the breakfast table and continues reading stuff on his phone as I make everyone's plates. I have never been a great cook, or even a good one, but I can whip up a fairly decent breakfast. I have the bacon cooked in the oven, because it comes out more even that way, with some biscuits (thank the previous owners of this house for installing a double oven), and a scrambled egg for Heath, because he loves it. After giving Heath his plate, I take mine and Dom's and sit, sliding Dom's to him.

“Oh, thanks cakes.”

I get my phone out too and start reading my usual morning sites. Local news, wrestling news, entertainment news, in that order. We sit in peaceful quiet while we eat, with me nudging Heath to eat his breakfast every now and then. Just a typical morning for us, really. I scan the local news pages, nothing really important or big happening for once. Wrestling news, same thing. The biggest story was about Liz leaving SCW and speculation as to why. I know why, but it's not my business to share. Besides, none of the dirt sheet writers contacted me to ask, anyway. I finally go into my entertainment news folder and tap on the app I usually read first, Hollywood Update. Generic name, I know, but the most accurate and least sensationalistic of the entertainment news pages. Or, at least that's what I thought until just now. The top headline stops my breath:

“Agent: SEAL Tell-all Exposes Alleged Teller Affair”

I glance up at Dom, and he's completely focused on whatever he's reading. I wonder if it's this, but I make myself read it before I ask him anything. I'm almost afraid to tap on the link, but I do it anyway.


“Hollywood Update has an exclusive report from a source who works on the set of the eagerly anticipated Agent: SEAL, who asked to remain anonymous. They claim lead actor Dominic Teller is and has been having an illicit relationship with a woman also working on the show. They won't name who the woman is, and would not even reveal if she is another on-screen talent or a member of the crew. “That's not what's important,” they said. “The important thing is that people understand that this carefully curated image that Dominic has created of himself... husband and family man, is just that – an image. It's not real. He's still the same guy he was back on the set of Scene of Crime, only he's learned to hide it better.”

For those who may not remember, Scene of Crime was Teller's big break into acting, a cop drama where he played the rookie partner of the lead character in the series. The show only aired for three seasons, but that was enough time for the new young actor to earn a reputation around the set as a man eager and willing to 'entertain' women working on the show. After Crime was canceled, Teller picked up a short term modeling spot for Dior, where he met his wife and mother of his son, SCW wrestler Bree Lancaster. The two have a one-year old son. After prefacing their story with their reasoning for speaking out now, our source began to share details of what they've seen on the New Orleans set.

“They think they're being discreet, and I'd go as far as to say most of the time, they are. The few occasions I saw them together, were times and places where no one else was around and I happened to be in the area for work reasons.” They shared details of the first time they saw something happening between the two. “It's been well known they're friends since work started up after the strike. So seeing them going in and out of each other's trailers in the back lot never raised any eyebrows. But one day, I was sent to find *redacted* for something she was needed for on set. I went out to the trailer area and saw them near her door... laughing, hands all over each other, and then kissing. They looked like teenagers between high school class. I knew they couldn't see me from where I was standing, so I just backed away and went back to my supervisor and reported that she wasn't in her trailer.” But that wasn't the only time our source walked up on activity she claims Teller and his lady friend thought was being done in secret.

“There was another time, maybe a week or two after the trailer lot incident. We had shut down for lunch, and everyone had left the set. I had left my jacket behind, that had my wallet in the pocket, so I went back in to get it. I heard laughing, and as I passed one of the set structures, I saw them together behind the false wall. She was sitting on an equipment crate, and he was standing in front of her, they were kissing,... her legs were around his waist, and.... sorry, I'm trying my best to not be crude... her top was pushed up, and his pants were lowered, not all the way. Just enough, if you get my meaning. I couldn't see below her waist and I'm glad for that, I saw enough exposed as it was. [Ed note: when asked, they clarified that the woman's chest and Teller's rear were exposed.] Again, I backed away as quietly as I could, so they wouldn't know I'd seen them, and left the building, without even getting my jacket.”

Our source is almost certain what they saw that day was the two either in the middle of, or about to be, having sex.

Both of these incidents occurred before the holidays, and when asked why they waited until now to speak, our source had this to say: “I was debating if I should reveal what I knew at all. I wasn't sure I would be believed. It's why I'm choosing to hide my identity. I heard rumors about his behavior on the show from a few years ago, and I looked things up. Everything I read lined up with everything I've seen on this set. He wants the world to believe he's changed and matured, but his behavior hasn't changed at all. It was just on pause, while he was busy getting married and having a baby, doing everything possible to create the image he wants to portray. But like I said... it's all a lie. A front. I wonder if his wife knows and plays along, or if she's just as deluded as the rest of the world in thinking he's a good guy. And that's what pushed me to speak. If she really doesn't know... she should.” Our editor asked why they didn't speak to Teller's wife, Bree, themselves. “She doesn't know me, and I don't think she'd believe me. But doing it this way, talking to you to tell the public... it's hard to ignore or write off, right?”

Our final question for our source was why would they not reveal who the woman Teller is allegedly involved with. “To protect her. She may or may not know about Dominic's reputation, but even if she does, I think she's mostly innocent. This is just what he does. Exposing her might ruin her career, and she doesn't deserve that. Dominic though? Maybe he does deserve it.”


The rest of the article was just information about the show and Paramount, so I stopped reading. I'd read enough anyway. This is.... absolute garbage. How dare this person hide themselves while essentially admitting to trying to kill Dom's career?! I look up at Dom, and he must be looking at what I just read, because he's glaring at his phone and his face is an angry shade of red I've only seen a handful of times.


He looks up at me, but before either of us can speak more, his phone rings in his hand. He closes his eyes a moment in frustration, then looks. “It's Lisa.” I nod, and he answers . “Morning, Lisa... yeah, I just finished reading the steaming pile...” He glances at me. I glare and cross my arms. “Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure she's seen it.” I nod to confirm. “Alright, hang on.” Dom taps his screen and sets his phone on the table. “Okay, speaker is on.”

“Hello, Bree.”


“First of all, I want to confirm whether or not you've read this mornings Hollywood Update story?”

“Yes I have, just finished it actually.”

“Okay, good, I don't have to explain. Now then. Firstly, I need both of you to stay levelheaded. Okay?”

“Are you fucking kidding me, Lisa?!” Dom yells, and I am shocked at how angry he is. “Level headed? This bitch dropped a career-breaking bomb, and you want me to be calm? Have you lost your goddamn mind?”

“Dominic. Take a breath. Lower your tone with me.”

“Don't patronize me right now, okay? I am clearly not in the mood!”

I hear Lisa sigh, and would swear I heard her whispering a count to three. “Okay. You're understandably angry. I recognize that, and that's valid. But I need you to focus, okay?”

Dom takes a deep breath, with his eyes closed. “Fine.”

“Good. Bree? Are you still there?”

“I'm here.”

“Okay. As I was going to say, after doing our best to stay calm, my first suggestion is that we release a statement, treat this just like every other rumor-mongering clickbait that's ever been printed.”

“No, no, no. Lisa, you don't seem to get it.” His voice is calm now, almost too calm. The kind of calm that's on the other side of extreme anger. I'm starting to worry. “This isn't like the other bullshit, okay? This person didn't just speculate about a picture, they concocted entire incidents that sound more like bad fan fiction than reality. They even said at the end, they think I should be ruined.”

“I did see that. It does seem more of a pointed attack than the other stories.”

“That's because it is. I have a fairly good idea who this 'source' may be, but I can't be making any accusations, now can I? You though? You have connections. I need you to use them. Find out who this is so I can sue the ever-loving fuck out of them for slander, libel, defamation of character, whatever the fuck sticks!”

As the calm wears away and the anger comes back, it occurs to me that I can't remember ever seeing Dom this angry, about anything. Not Jason or David, back when they were not getting along. Not any of the times Blake antagonized me. Not even at the man who was a TMZ plant, pretending to date me to get information, Julian LeBlanc. And Dom punched him! Its actually starting to scare me.

“Dom... why are you so angry at this? This isn't the first time that some site or another has published garbage trying to make you look bad. None of it has ever worked.”

“Yes, exactly, Bree! This isn't the first time. It's happened over and over again, and I'm fucking sick to my eyeballs of it! This is the most egregious piece of tripe yet and I'm not putting up with this shit anymore! Lisa. I want them found. And sued. Today.”

“I'm already working on that, I've been texting and email while we speak. Now. About making a statement-”

“That's another thing! I won't do it. Saying anything, even just to refute it, just gives it credence that it doesn't deserve.”

“I disagree. Ignoring the article before this one, with the grainy picture from during the protests, made sense. That story was a reach at best, and it went away quickly because it was very obviously a reach. But you can't ignore this, Dom. It's Hollywood Update, for starters. They're not a tabloid, they're an actual news source. That makes it more believable from the jump. And-”

“Lisa, its fucking garbage!”

“Let me finish. Because of who the site is, ignoring it would make you look that much more suspicious. The longer you take to say something, anything, about this, the more it will look like you're scrambling to find a way to explain it away after getting caught.”

Dom closes his eyes again, trying to keep himself calm. Amazingly Heath hasn't really reacted to Dom's loud voice, but I glance at him and he does seem unsettled.

“I have to agree with Lisa, baby. Just put out something short calling it bullshit in the most professional way possible. You can't let it just sit out there without a word. It gives the appearance of guilt.”

Dom opens his eyes and look at me sharply. “Guilt? Don't tell me you think there's one shard of truth in any of this?”

“No.” I don't know if I'm lying or not. “But that isn't the point. The point is to get control of this before it gets bigger than it needs to be.”

“Thank you, Bree.” Lisa sounds relieved that I get it.

“Fine!” Dom sighs hard. “We'll do it your way, but on one condition. I'm writing the statement myself.”

“Okay, you can write it. But I am going to approve it before I send it out. I will edit if necessary.”

“Yeah, okay. Fine.”

“Good. Now you can't take all day with this, I'll need it within the hour, two at the most.”

“Yeah. You'll get it.”

“Thank you. And guys. Please... try to stay calm. We'll get through this, just like everything else.”

“Thank you, Lisa.”

“Yeah, we'll see.”

The phone screen blinks from a green dot to red, then goes dark, as Lisa ended the call. Dom makes no move to grab the phone. Instead he leans his elbows on the table, head in his hands, rubbing his head. His hair sticks out through his fingers, making him look crazy. All of a sudden, he gets up and grabs the plate his breakfast had been on, and flings it across the room! Sonofabitch!

I yelp as the plate shatters against the bottom of the kitchen island. Heath jumps, then cries, scared of the noise. Yes Nugget, Momma is scared, too. I get to my feet, angry. Me being scared is one thing, but not my son.

“Dom! What the fuck is your problem?! You're scaring our son!” I go over to Heath and grab him from the chair. He leans into me, still crying but softer since I'm holding him. Dom turns towards us, and the sight of Heath crying takes the anger out of him. He rubs his face, then comes closer. I almost step backwards, but make myself stay put.

“I'm sorry, okay? I am.” I nod, and Heath looks up at him from my shoulder. Dom leans over a bit to look at him in the eyes. “Hey buddy. I didn't mean to scare you, okay? I'm sorry. Are we still friends?” Dom holds his hand out to Heath. Heath looks at him, then up at me. I give him a smile, letting him know it's okay. Heath looks back at Dom, and offers his hand. Dom smiles. “Thanks, bub. I love you.”

“Luh yoo.” Heath has only said that a few times so far, and it melts my heart every time I hear it. Even more so now, after that outburst. Dom stands up straight and speaks to me now.

“I'm just sick of it, Bree. Absolutely sick. I thought the media was done screwing with us, you know? They backed off after you... your attack.” He still mostly refuses to say the word rape. “Then we were married, then this guy got here... I thought they were done. They were tired of us and moved on. But here we are again. Finally something I'm doing is getting the right kind of attention, and they can't stand it, can they? They just had to do something to try to bring me down.”

“They can only bring you down if you let them. Don't let them.”

“It's just pretty fucking convenient though, isn't it? Less than a week after Paramount announced the split season, this comes out?”

“I admit it sounds fishy. But Lisa is right, you have to keep your calm. You can't let them see you angry like this, it's.... well, quite honestly it's incriminating.” He glares at me. “I know better, I know why you're upset. To the rest of the media though it will look like you're pissed you got caught.”

“I'm trying Bree. I really am. I don't know how I'm gonna write a statement that's not full of vitriol.”

“Then let Lisa do it. It's literally her job. She'll make you look good, and make this story look just as silly and blatantly false as the others. They all blew over because they were obvious bullshit, and this will too.” Now I know I'm blowing smoke. The more I talk, the more I'm starting to think what I said is the reason he's so angry – because he got caught.

“This is different, Bree. This one was done like an interview, instead of a report or speculation. It makes it sound more personal, and therefore more legitimate. I have a bad feeling about it, people are going to find it believable. Clever bastards, I bet there isn't even a real source, it's just a device used to make it sound more valid.”

“But you told Lisa you had an idea of who it was?”

“Well.... yeah, if anyone would have actually said all this shit, it could only be one person. But I'm starting to wonder even that.”

“Honestly baby, it doesn't matter if there is a source or not. What matters is the truth, and the truth always wins.” I nearly choke on my own words. Dom looks at me for a moment, there was something odd about it, but he looks away before I can pinpoint what.

“I hope so.” Dom gets up and grabs his jacket from the coathook. “I have to go, Chris has already texted about a crew meeting this morning, to put this fire our before it spreads.”

“Good luck.”

“Yeah. Thanks.”

Dom grabs his keys from the side table and leaves, forgetting our usual goodbye kiss. I couldn't make myself upset about it. A thought comes to mind that gives me pause, though. If everything in the article is true... it gives me an out.

I can't decide if I'm relieved or terrified by the idea.