
Last Laugh #2


{{Saturday, November 21st

The last few days while I was on the road, I did hear from Dom. He called me Thursday morning when he got home from the appearance in Los Angeles. I didn't want to waste time like back in March and April when he stayed in Los Angeles for a month and barely spoke to me, so I flat out asked him if he was still mad at me. He said no, but he'd rather discuss further in person. Normally something like that would make me nervous, but all I heard was, he's not mad at me. I could live with that.

We got home today a little after noon. Dom wasn't home, he'd texted and told me he was out picking things up for Thanksgiving, and just other household things we needed. I took my bags upstairs and changed out of my travel clothes into something more comfortable, thin pajama pants and a t-shirt. I heard Sienna and Xio in Sienna's room talking, I couldn't tell about what but their voices were animated. I decided to let them to it and just go back downstairs. I sat myself in the den with my Kindle to read. Before I knew it an hour had passed and Jaina poked her head in to tell me she was going next door. I smiled. She then told me she might end up staying over. I smiled bigger. I certainly hoped so.

Another hour passed and finally I hear Dom come in, plastic bags rustling. I get up to help him put things away. He greets me with a kiss and we start pulling things out of bags.

“Really hope everyone you invited for Thursday shows up, or we'll have a lot of leftovers.”

“Wyatt and Amy are coming, he called me this morning. Loki, too.”

“Oh good. I'm sure Amy is glad she doesn't have to do all this cooking this year.”

“She might wish she had after my attempts...” I grin.

“Stop it, you're a lot better than you think you are.”

“Am I?” I don't think he meant that the way I took it, but the look I give him and my more serious tone gets my point across. I can see the comprehension in his smile.

“Yes, you are.”

I smile back and turn away, to shove a few cans into the pantry. I don't even notice what they are. Dom continues the conversation from behind me.

“I'm really glad your family is coming, but I thought Amy and Sienna didn't get along?”

I close the pantry and turn back to him. Not the topic I thought he was going to go with, but I guess he doesn't want to do serious over groceries. “They didn't used to. But it's been while since they've really interacted, so I'm hoping it'll go well. Sienna knows she's coming and promised to be civil.” I lean against the counter with a sigh. “Besides... I think Amy might be the only person who can help me help Sienna. I've been meaning to ask her to talk to her, but I haven't had the chance. I didn't want to talk about that over the phone. I'll ask her Thursday.”

“Ask her to do what?”

“I don't even know. Talk to her? Tell her about the counseling and meetings at the shelter? I'm out of ideas, baby. Nothing I've tried has worked.”

“Sometimes the least likely thing is the only thing. I hope it goes well.”


Dom hands me large box of pasta. I turn and put that into the pantry as well. “What about Reece, is he coming?”

“I don't know yet. I asked Jaina to ask him, she's over there right now. I think she might be staying over...” I turn back and grin.

“Oh really?”

“Mhmm. That's what she said anyway. I don't know what's going on in her head, but maybe spending a whole day and night with him will set her right.”

“She has been sort of all over the place, hasn't she?”

“That's a polite way of putting it. I mean, first there was Halloween and Christian, then for her birthday in Miami there was that random woman-” Dom nods, I had told him about my awkward wake up call going into Jaina's room. “And now she's staying at Reece's. She's just been... unstable? And I hope spending time with him gets her to settle down.”

“I thought the idea of settling down is what made her push him away?”

“It was... the baby thing didn't help. But that's not what I meant. I just mean I hope he keeps her from playing around so much. It could be dangerous.”

Dom stuffs all the plastic bags into one, and shoves the whole ball of them into a cabinet. We keep them to use in picking up Donatella's 'business' from the yard. He walks around the island and leans on the counter across from me.
“It could. But you have to let her find out for herself what she wants, too. You have this tendency to be pushy with her, hover. You have to let her do things her own way.”

“I know. I've been trying to back off. Especially after the morning after her birthday...” I shake my head. “I just want things to work out well for her, you know? So she can be as happy as possible, like us.”

Dom smirks. “Do you think she'd ever lie about a dress?”

I frown. “I thought you said you weren't mad about that anymore? Are you? I apologized like a half dozen times-”

“Stop. I'm not. But....” He gestures towards the den. “Let's go sit.”

I nod, and we go into the den. We sit next to each other on the couch. “Okay... but?”

“First of all, I'm not mad. We discussed it, you explained and apologized, it's over. I thought me making a joke about it would make that clear.”

“Right... it usually does. It's just that we hadn't really talked about it yet, so...”

“Well, now we are. As I said, I'm not mad. I'm not sure I was mad to begin with, more hurt. But, while we were both working, I've decided a few things. One... as far as I know, this is the only thing you've ever lied to me about.”

“It is.”

“So, everyone makes mistakes. You deserve the chance to show you won't do anything like it again.”

“You know I won't.”

Dom smiles. “I know. I also realized I asked you to leave the past alone, so it's only fair I do the same and let this go. You clearly regret everything about it. It would be cruel to keep holding it over your head.”

“I really don't deserve you.”

“I think you're being just a little bit too hard on yourself, cakes.”

“Am I, though? You know how much I hate lying, I'm usually terrible at it. And I somehow put myself in a position to lie to you, and-”

Dom puts his finger over my mouth to shuts me up. “Hey. If I'm gonna let this go, you need to let it go, too. We'll get past it. Relax.” He grins, and kisses my forehead.

“Relax? That's easy for you to say, Mr. Hiatus. How am I supposed to relax when I'm coming to terms with the fact I did the thing I hate the most to the person I love the most-” He tries to say something, but I keep talking and he stops. “-I have my best friend, who currently lives with me, out here drugging her enemies, my niece is sleeping around like Kandis except worse cause she goes with men and women, and on top of all of that? I have to defend my championship against a woman who remembers literally everything. Where is the relaxation in any of that?” Let's not forget that it was Sienna who gave Ravyn the shot at me, but I didn't want to keep rambling.

“I just told you that you don't have to worry about us, we'll be fine. Sienna... you have an idea to help her, and Kelcey turned out okay. Yeah, it was messed up but no lasting harm was done. Jaina is just trying to find herself, discover what she really wants. And Ravyn? That's simple too... find some new moves to throw at her that she's never seen before. Can't remember it and plan for it that way, right?” Dom grins. I grin and scoff jokingly.

“Well... it seems like you've solved all of my problems in less than a minute. What further use do I have for you?”

Dom keeps grinning. “Well... I did have an idea for the wedding. One less thing for you to worry about.”

“What's that?”

“A date.”


“Yes, really. I meant to bring it up the other day, then Dressgate happened... but what better way to move forward than by starting to plan this thing properly?”

“Okay... so what's your idea for the date?”

Dom smiles. “It's actually pretty obvious once you hear it. February eighth.”

“Our anniversary?” Dom nods, still smiling. “I love the idea, don't get me wrong... but that's less than three months from now. Can we really pull that off?”

“Didn't you tell me that your brother and Amy planned theirs in about a week?”

“.... Yes. But they had like twelve guests and Amy's friend Kara made their cake. She also miraculously found a dress that fit off the rack. If I tell Scott he has less than three months to make me a brand new dress, his head will explode.”

Dom laughs. I'm not joking though. “He'd find a way for you. Everything else we can manage. With both our resources and name power? Come on.”

I smirk. “Since when you do use your celebrity to your advantage?”

“When it's important.”

“That's fair I guess. But another thing... when we agreed to this you said something about waiting a year. It's less than that.”

“It is, but why wait some arbitrary time period when we know what we want? I'm not working right now, it'll be a lot easier to plan things around just one schedule. We did tell the media this was why I took the break, remember?”

I look at him in awe a few seconds. Just a few days ago he was upset with me for lying and asking me about my feelings about my ex, now he's all about planning our wedding, and a lot sooner than I had expected it to be.
“I have to ask you baby... are you all in on this all of a sudden to like, prove to me you're really not upset about the dress?”

He sighs. “That's not it at all. I honestly had this idea before I found out about that. I'm not going to let a blip that you're genuinely regretful over derail us.”

I smile. A blip... after I'd kicked myself several dozen times over everything about that damn dress, and he calls it a blip. If he was truly over it, I will make myself stop feeling guilty over it.
“Okay. I had to ask.” He nods, he gets it. “Well, you do make some good points. But I have one more question...Are you aware that it falls on a Monday?”

“Yeah. So?”

“So.... who gets married on a Monday?” Right after I said that, I remembered I married Blake on a Wednesday, but I wasn't about to bring that up.

“People who have family and friends who work for a wrestling company that does no traveling on Mondays. Therefore, just about everyone we want there should be able to make it.” He grins again.

“I am impressed, you've really thought about everything.”

“I knew you'd have questions, I made sure I had answers. I really think we can put everything together by then.”

I had no more arguments. “If you have that kind of faith in us baby, then so do I. Let's do it.”

“I knew you'd go for it.” We both smile, and he leans in to kiss me.

“We can tell everyone who'll be here for Thanksgiving, then.... what? Make another bigger announcement as it gets closer?”

“That's what I was thinking.”

“I'm gonna have to call Scott like now, though. He'll need as much lead time as possible.”

Dom smirks. “Right now? Or maybe in an hour...” He kisses me. “Or two...?” Another kiss.

“Hmm... okay. Maybe tomorrow.” I giggle as he kisses me again, pushing me back on the couch. I then remember that we actually have house guests and make him stop, and we go up to our bedroom.

* * * * * {{Jaina}} * * * * *

Jaina had gone to Reece's in the early afternoon. He had just gotten home from work, as a part of the coaching staff for the Saints. The team had a home game this weekend, but Reece's responsibilities for today were done, he didn't need to be there during practice all day. The two had gone for a run on the levee, the habit that started as a friendly routine between Reece and Bree had turned into one for Reece and Jaina instead. He and Bree still took their dogs for walks together when their schedule allowed, but Bree had excused herself from the runs to give the young quasi-couple more time alone. It had been a few weeks since Jaina and Reece had done the run, though. Not since before she had the abortion. She was afraid of running while she was pregnant, she didn't want to hurt herself. And after, she hadn't been cleared for physical activity for three weeks. It's been over a month now though. Reece still had no idea about the baby or abortion, Jaina had told him she had avoided him because the speed at which their relationship was going had freaked her out a little. As a result, he'd agreed to slow things down. This meant that while they'd spent some time together since that conversation not long before Halloween, they hadn't slept together since a week or two after Jaina discovered she was pregnant. She had tried to continue with him like nothing was going on, but after that one night she couldn't do it anymore, she was worried he would be able to tell. She thought about all of this, the last month or two, while they ran.

They're back at Reece's house now, both had a quick shower. Jaina had left some clothes there the last time she spent the night so she changed into those. They're sitting in his den having coffee, since it was chilly on the levee today. Jaina is curled up on one end of the couch with her legs under her, Reece on the other end turned sideways to face her.

“Glad you decided to come by today, I've really missed having a running partner with two legs.”

Jaina grins. “I hope I'm better conversation than Benson.”

The dog looks up at hearing his name. Reece grins. “Talking back rather than barking is preferable.”

Jaina giggles as she sips her coffee. “He probably runs faster than me, though.”

“A fair trade. Definitely a better view.”

“You're sweet.” Jaina blushes a little, staring at her mug.

“The back end of Benson or your face? Come on, it's no contest.”

“So I'm cuter than a dog's ass, that's great.”

They both laugh. “I don't think that came out the way I meant it...”

“Gods, I hope not.”

“Let me start over....” They laugh again. “You're my favorite running partner.”

Jaina smiles. “That's better. I missed it too. I just had a lot going on, you know? In my head...”

“Yeah, I know. I wish you had felt you could talk to me about it sooner rather than just... pulling away.”

“I'm really bad at that. For a lot of reasons that I'm sure you don't want to hear about. I'm trying to be better though. At the whole letting people in thing.”

“I know enough about you to have a few guesses at some of those reasons. One being your mother, another being your ex. Am I warm?”

“Ding and ding. I never wanted to be like the worst parts about my mom, but I seem to be picking up her bad habits anyway. It's terrifying.” Jaina gulps some more coffee, mainly to stop herself from further talking.

“Well, I don't see you over drinking, so it can't be that bad.”

“Yeah, that's one thing I'm never gonna do. I didn't mean that though. More the... shutting down, pushing good people away in favor of distractions. Just making things more complicated than they need to be.” Jaina's thoughts flashed back to her birthday a few nights ago, when she spent the night with Jordan.

“You recognize that though, and you're working on dealing with it. Most people with those kinds of issues don't figure it out til they're much older than you are.”

“Like my mom? She was like forty when she realized she was fucking everything up, like all the time.”

“So you're learning from her mistakes, not repeating them.”

“I don't know... I pushed you away.” And lied. And was still lying, Jaina thought. Every day that she didn't tell him about the aborted baby, she was lying. Reece shrugs.

“Yeah, but I can't fault you for that. You were dealing with things. I'm just glad that you're still open to figuring things out. And that I'm one of the people you trust enough to work on that whole letting people in thing with.”

Jaina finishes the coffee and sets the mug down. She nods to herself, and sits up straighter.
“Right. Speaking of all of that... the trusting you thing, the me making things complicated, even my ex... I want to be honest with you, so there's something I need to tell you.”

“Okay... sounds serious.”

“Kinda. So, as you know, my birthday was a few days ago. We were in Miami with SCW. Aunt Bree and Sienna took me out to this club. And I saw Jordan there. We... um... spent the night together.”

“Together? As in... together?”

“We slept together, yes.”

“Wow. Okay.”

“Aunt Bree doesn't know, please don't tell her.”

“Of course.” Jaina nods a thanks. “I gotta ask, didn't you break up with her because she lied to you?”

“Yes, I did. But that was months ago. We'd been talking lately, she apologized. Most of it was just a big misunderstanding, really. And-” Jaina stops herself. She had been about to say that Jordan had been there for her recently through something hard, but she realized Reece might ask what, and she didn't have any idea what to say other than the truth, and she couldn't tell him that. So, she just shakes her head. “And... I don't know. It just happened. I had a few drinks with the girls and then saw her, and... next thing I knew I invited her to my room, and.... yeah.”

“I see.” Jaina couldn't tell if Reece was upset or not, his expression was blank.

“I know you and I aren't like a thing, but I didn't want to keep it from you, cause we might be. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah. Yeah, it makes sense. I'm glad you feel comfortable being honest with me. I just hope it doesn't make things messy for you.”

“It's already messy. I made it worse.”

“Do you think you want to get back together with her?”

“No. That's one thing I do know. I mean, she has a girlfriend.” Reece cringes. “Yeah, I know. I told you it was already messy. But that aside, I don't think it would be a good idea.”

“You still don't trust her.”

“I do, to a degree. Just... not that far.” Jaina had trusted her with the pregnancy issue, that was big. But a relationship? That was asking too much. Not that she could explain that to Reece. “I'm not sure I trust anyone that far.”

Reece nods. “Right...”

“I mean, no offense. It's not anything against you, or even her. It's me....” Jaina taps her temple.

“No, I get it. Again, thanks for being honest.”

Jaina grins. “It's actually part of why I wanted to spend the day with you today, maybe tonight... Like, I had that moment with her. It's only fair I give you the same energy, right?”

“Tonight, huh? You had plans on staying the night?”

“If you wanted me to.”

“I think you already know I do.”

Jaina grins again. “Then I'll stay.” She leans over the middle couch cushion between them and kisses him.

“I have to leave pretty early in the morning, gotta be at the Dome by eight.”

“That's fine. I won't keep you up late.”

She smirks. Reece pulls her closer, to where she is sitting in his lap. They grin and kiss again, more intense than before. After a few seconds, Reece seems to be hesitant. Jaina breaks the kiss and looks at him.

“Is something wrong?”

“No... I just don't want you to think you have to do this because of your ex.”

“I don't think I have to do anything. I missed you, and I want to.” That was the truth, at least. “Can it be just what it is and not mean anything else?”

“I don't know, can it?”

“For me it can. How else am I gonna figure things out?”

Reece thinks a few seconds, then grins. “I don't really have an argument for that.”

“What about you though? I don't want you think this means more than it does.”

“I know exactly what it is.”

Jaina smiles. They kiss again, deeper.


Jaina just nods.

Jaina did indeed spend the night. Reece left early as he'd told her he had to do. She slept in, in his bed, and went home about an hour after he'd left. After spending the night with Jordan she'd felt a little guilty and some remorse. She didn't feel any of that about Reece.


{{Thursday, November 26th

We decided to do dinner for Thanksgiving, since we had Breakdown the night before, and we're also going a non-traditional route with the menu, given neither me nor Dom knows how to cook a turkey. Instead, Dom is baking chicken leg-quarters, seasoned with lemon and rosemary. I am doing fresh green beans, roasted potatoes (regular and sweet), and a fruit salad for dessert. Amy said she would bring something. Knowing her, it's probably mac and cheese, since Loki loves it. Reece did text me and accept the invitation. He offered to bring something but I told him it wasn't necessary.

My plane left Rochester early this morning. When we got home, I went straight to bed to take a nap so I could be more rested to help Dom finish cooking. It's just after one PM now. After I got dressed and went down the hall to the stairs, I saw the other three bedroom doors still closed. Everyone else was still napping. That was fine with me. Once in the kitchen and I started preparing the things I'd agreed to cook, I couldn't stop thinking about Breakdown last night. I was in the ring twice, once with Sienna while she spoke about Owen, and the talk about her and Gio working together. The whole thing got out of hand when Owen and Kelcey came out and somehow now there will be a tag match.... Sienna and Gio versis Owen and Kelcey. I had no idea she had been cleared to compete, but apparently Sienna knew. No wonder Sienna kept goading her, she knew she could take it. That made me feel slightly better about the last few months, but Sienna teaming with Gio left a bad taste in my mouth. I just have a feeling this isn't going to end well. But, it does give Sienna what she has wanted, a chance to get her hands on Kelcey in a sanctioned environment. The only reason I didn't say anything to Sienna about how bad of an idea this is, is because I hope this gets everything about Kelcey out of her system and everyone can move on from this mess. I didn't have much time to contemplate everything in the ring though because Ravyn Taylor's husband Alexander Crowe ran out and hit me in the back of the head! I thought people had learned by now that sneaking up on me was a bad idea. Crowe isn't a wrestler but I will be happy to take out his revenge on his wife. Don't think I'm unaware that he's Chris Cannon's nephew, although I'm not sure why that means anything, I thought they didn't get along.

Later in the night I went to the ring again to call out Ravyn. Of course she couldn't come by herself, she had to bring the whole Infamous posse with her. That ended strange too, as just when it looked like Syren was going to rush the ring and fuck with me, James Evans of all people appeared in the ring next to me, and Syren backed off. For a moment I thought he was going to attack me too, since I beat him for the World Championship in April. But he didn't seem concerned with me, just Syren. I found that all very strange but if he wasn't attacking, neither was I.

All this runs in my head as I'm cutting up potatoes.

“You're concentrating pretty hard on those, cakes.”

I drop the knife and look up and Dom. “I'm just thinking about last night. Sienna and Gio... Ravyn tried her usual intimidation shit, I got sneak attacked, and what the hell is James up to?”

“Is that really what you want to focus on today?”

“I can't help it, it was less than twenty four hours ago.”

“Okay, that's a fair point. Just try to relax? Even a little?”

“Maybe wine will help.”

“Nothing stopping you. It's a holiday, knock yourself out.”

“Thank God.” I step away from the counter and over to the side of the kitchen, behind the breakfast table where the wet bar is. I pour myself a glass of Riesling. It was too early for Merlot. After a sip, I go back to the counter where I was cutting potatoes. “Hmm. That's better.” I pick up the knife and get back to the potatoes. Dom shakes his head at me, grinning.

“As long as you don't lose a finger....”

“I don't plan on it.”

I make myself forget about SCW at least for today, and somehow get the side dishes I planned done without overcooking anything. Wyatt, Amy, and Loki arrived first. I was right, Amy brought mac and cheese. Sienna and Xiomara were still upstairs getting ready, but Jaina had come down so she and Loki disappeared into the den to talk and put the TV on. Wyatt and Dom made small talk as I asked Amy to speak with me in private.

I lead her to the library, that way if Sienna and Xio come downstairs before we're done, they won't hear. I even shut the door, which I hardly ever do.

“First, I'm glad you guys came. Sorry Ms. Liz wasn't feeling well to come with you.”

“Mama will be fine, she just tweaked her back grocery shopping the other day. I told her I'd bring her some food.”

“Good, I promise you we have plenty.”

Amy gestures to the closed door. “So, what's all the secrecy about?”

“Oh, that. Well, I just didn't want Sienna to hear us. I need to ask you a huge favor.”

“That has to do with Sienna?”

“Yes. I'd like for you to talk to her. About maybe going to the meetings or counselors you have at the shelter.”

Amy looks skeptical. “You mean Simon's program?”

“Yeah. It's kinda like AA, right?”

“Kinda.... wait. Sienna is an alcoholic?”

I sigh. Sienna might want to kill me for this, I was breaking her confidence. But I don't feel like I have any other options. “Yes. She even went to real AA for a while, I'm nut sure why she stopped. Almost no one knew about it, certainly not SCW. She drinks and takes sleeping pills, sometimes together. I don't think she knows I know about the pills. Or at least not how often she takes them. But she's been living here for months and I'm not blind.”

Amy is stunned. “I had no idea... which is surprising, we can usually pick each other out, you see...”

“She's very good at pretending. Better than you were.” I grin almost apologetically. Amy is usually very matter-of-fact about her issues but I don't like to bring it up unless I have to. “It's not just that, though. She's been.... off, ever since Chris gave Nathaniel back to Kelcey. Well, if I'm being totally honest, since before that. When Kelcey made it clear she wanted to get custody of him.”

“As she had every right to do.”

“There are things you don't know, that woman should not be taking care of that child. But, I don't want to argue about that, I'm more worried about Sienna. I've tried everything I could think of to help. I talked her into staying here, as far away from L.A. And Kelcey as I can get her. I even made her come to church with me once, although in hindsight that was a huge mistake.... I don't even deal with the church anymore.”

Amy's eyes go wide. Shit, why had I said that? “Really? What happened?”

“Long story, you wouldn't get it, church stuff. Anyway. I don't have any other ideas or options to help her. You're the only person I know who has a hand in running some kind of program or counseling that I trust.”

“While I appreciate that, I have to ask if you're sure it's a good idea coming from me? Last I checked, Sienna didn't really care for me. I'm actually surprised she's staying here today with me being here.”

“Well she doesn't have much choice. She's living in my house and I invited you. Besides, she said she will be polite. As for it being a good idea? I'm certain. You have experience in this kind of thing, it's literally what you do when you're not traveling with Kelsai. The people you and Simon hired have experience. Everyone who has been telling Sienna she needs help are her friends. She thinks we're all being over protective or something. Maybe if she hears it from someone she doesn't like, that she thinks doesn't like her... she might take it more seriously. Like... why else would someone who doesn't like her say something like that unless it was really true?”

Amy folds her arms. “I don't know, Bree. This kind of thing usually works best from people close.”

“We have tried. I tried, Xiomara tried, Chris even tried before they split up. I have nothing else, Amy. Please.”

I can't remember the last time I practically begged anyone for anything. Amy looks at me a few seconds. She knows me better than almost anyone, she had to know I wouldn't ask if I had any other options. “Okay. I'll talk to her. But don't be surprised if she tells me to fuck off.”

“Thank you.” I want to hug her, but that might be awkward. “I don't think she'd be that rude.”

“We'll see.”

“I owe you one. A big huge one.”

Amy waves her hand, brushing that off. “Don't worry about it. I know all of this with her has been stressing you out, if you really think I can help, I'll try. For you.”

She smiles at me. I smile back, and can't stop myself from going for that hug. She hugs back, and it's not as awkward as I thought it would be.

* * * * *

When Amy and I came out of the library, I saw that Sienna and Xiomara had come downstairs, and Reece had arrived. Loki was already talking to him, wide eyed. Amy and Loki are the football fans of the family. I'm only sorry I didn't get to make the introduction. I saw Amy glance at him, and grin. I could at least make that introduction. But first, Amy went up to Sienna and Xiomara. Sienna eyed her stoically for a second, but then smiled her fake 'for the people' smile and they shook hands. That was a good sign.

We're about halfway through dinner in my formal dining room. It makes me smile that Jaina and Reece are sitting next to each other. Loki is on the other side, which amuses me. There is wine on the table, and tea for those who'd rather not drink. It's a holiday though so I wasn't surprised to see Amy have a half glass. She's learned to moderate and it makes me happy. Dom clears his throat to get everyone's attention.

“So... now that we're half done with this wonderful meal, I want you all to know that these sides were prepared and cooked by Bree.”


“Now tell her she's not as bad as she thinks she is.”

I see Wyatt trying not to laugh. “Do you think we have time for that before we die from the poison?”

“I apparently fail at that too, you're not dead yet.” I poke my tongue out at my brother. He pokes his back. Everyone laughs.

“Okay, seriously though... you did a great job.”

“Thank you.”

Reece looks around the table. “Have I missed something? Is Bree supposed to be a bad cook or something?”

More laughter. “Yes babe, a few years ago I once called Amy to ask her how long I'm supposed to boil pasta.”

“To be fair, it's not her fault. Mom never wanted to teach her anything because she didn't think Bree would pay enough attention to learn.”

“This may surprise you all, but I was little flighty when I was younger.”

Sienna smirks. “Was?”

“Well... more than now.”

“I think it's all great, Aunt Bree. Mom never makes potatoes like this!”

I grin at my nephew. It amazes me how every time I see him, he seems taller. He'll be thirteen soon and that makes me feel old, even though I'm still under thirty. “Thanks, Lo. I'm sure she'll try it if you ask.”

I see Amy nodding.

“Great. Now that I have all of your attention... we actually have another detail to share. And it's not about dinner.” Dom gives me a glance. I nod at him. He can tell them. “As all of you know, Bree and I decided in July to get married. And now, we've decided when that will happen. February eighth.”

Everyone smiles. Sienna gasps. “Oh! That's your anniversary, isn't it?”

“It is. That's why Dom suggested it.”

“That's a great idea!” I look at Amy and she's smiling.

“I hope you don't mind that it's close to you and Wyatt's anniversary.”

“Don't be ridiculous.”

“Of course not! It's a meaningful date to you, I love it.” We share a smile. Amy and Wyatt's wedding anniversary is February 12th. I had been concerned about that too, but I didn't mention it to Dom, he'd already put so much thought into it.

“Im glad. Also... everyone here is invited, of course. We'll send out additional invites once it gets closer and we have an idea where this is happening.”

There was more talk about the wedding, the date, where we might hold the event. Once we were done with dinner, I announced I would clean up and asked Jaina to help me. I gave Amy a look, flicking my eyes towards Sienna. Amy nodded at me. She knew what I meant. I was getting myself out of the way so she could find an opening to speak to Sienna.

* * * * * {{Amy}} * * * * *

Amy watches Bree walk into the kitchen with a handful of plates, and Jaina follow her with some glasses. She looks around the table. Sienna and her friend Xiomara were seated next to each other, across the table from Amy. So far there had been no tension between the women who had been rivals in SCW years ago. Amy only remembered one match between them, but it's possible there had been more. On the other end of the table, Dom, Wyatt, Reece, Jaina, and Loki were discussing recent movies. Amy grins to herself, surprised that Loki hadn't started asking a million football questions yet. She notices Sienna and Xiomara starting to get up from the table.

“Excuse us, I have a phonecall to make to mi familia.”

“Yes, and I will see if Bree and Jaina need help in the kitchen.”

Amy rises halfway. “Actually, Sienna... I was wondering if you and I could speak. In private?”

Sienna and Xiomara exchange a look. Xiomara shrugs. Sienna turns back to Amy.

“I don't see why not.”

“Thanks. Should we go into Bree's library?”

Sienna nods, and she and Amy leaving the dining room and go into the library. As Bree had done before, Amy closes the door. Amy turns back to Sienna, who has her arms crossed, skepticism all over her face.

“I appreciate you agreeing to talk. I know that things between you and I have historically been not that great.”

“I assume there is a good reason you've asked to speak to me.”

“There is. But first, I want you to know that whatever issues we have had in the past, I've left them there. I admit I don't remember what started the heat between us years ago. Guess I can blame the liquor for that.” Amy grins. Sienna nods. “Regardless, in the last few years I've seen how good of a friend you are to Bree. She and I have had our ups and downs, which I'm sure you know all about.”

“I do.”

“I'm glad that she had you to be there for when she and I were on the outs. You've been there for her for a lot, and more recently, Jaina too. I do appreciate that, and I hope that for Bree's sake, you and I can continue to be friendly around her, if not perhaps one day friends ourselves.”

“I had no idea you felt this way, I thought that you disapproved of my and Bree's friendship. Didn't you once call me a bad influence?”

Amy grins. “I don't remember that, but I won't say you're wrong. I probably did. But that was a long time ago. Being retired brings a different perspective. There are a lot of things that bothered me when I was active that just aren't important anymore. There are things Bree and I will always disagree on about the business. All I care about now is that she is healthy and happy. She's both, as well as very successful, and there's no denying that you've been a big part of all of that. You're obviously good for each other. That's all that matters to me.”

Sienna smiles, Amy can tell this one is genuine unlike the one when they greeted each other earlier. “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. We do try our best to support each other, even though like you, we don't always agree. I think Bree would be pleased if you and I can get along. I know how important you are to her. I am willing to try, for her.”

Amy smiles. “Good, I'm glad we could come to terms on that. And in that vein... there is something else I wanted to discuss with you.”

“I had a feeling there might be.”

“I'll preface this by asking you to not be upset with Bree for telling me a few things... she's just very concerned about you.”

Sienna takes a step back. “What has she told you?”

“To be honest, some things she didn't have to tell me. Everyone sees your short tempter and erratic actions on TV. But, she told me some of the reasoning behind it. Drinking. Pills.” Sienna starts to glare. “Bree asked me to speak with you about the programs we run at the Horizon House shelter.”

“Listen, I appreciate your concern but I have been through AA and-”

“I know. She told me that, too. The New Beginnings program isn't like AA. Simon crafted it to be more inclusive. AA has entirely too much focus on a “higher power” for my taste. I walked out halfway through one meeting.”

Sienna's glare disappears momentarily. “Really?”

“Really. They were reading Bible Scripture....” Amy pulls a face.

“Huh. They didn't do that at the meetings I attended. However there was talk of this higher power bullshit you mentioned.”

Amy nods. “And our programs don't push that. We focus more on personal responsibility. Finding healthy ways to deal with issues that put the control in your hands.”

Sienna's glare returns. “That all sounds wonderful but I don't think I can force myself to sit there and listen to you or Simon Lyman try to tell me how to live my life.”

“You don't have to. I only lead one meeting a week. Simon does two. Between me traveling with Kelsai and both Simon and I coaching at BlackOut, that's all we have time for. There are other counselors. I personally recommend a young man named Justin. He was one of counselors at the rehab facility I went to when SCW made me go. We also have a therapist available if you'd prefer something one on one instead. We-”

Sienna holds her hand up to stop Amy from talking. “A therapist? Listen, so far I've listened to this out of respect for Bree because she asked you to do this, but I am not listening to this any further. I am not crazy!

“Most people who see therapists aren't. I saw one regularly for years. Would you consider me to be crazy? Honestly?”

Sienna hesitates a second, lowering her hand. “No... I suppose not.”

“And neither are you. I believe that. You just need assistance in working out whatever mess is in your head. Like I did. Admitting that and seeking it out doesn't make you a bad person, or a weak person. It's actually one of the strongest things a person can do. It's hard. Believe me, I know it is. You're a strong woman, you always have been. You've done AA, but I think these meetings would be better for you. Simon has mainly promoted it as a program for recovering alcoholics, and it is, but it covers more than just substance abuse. The counseling programs are for anyone who needs help. Any kind of trauma issues, depression, bipolar, all sorts of mental health.”

“I didn't know your place did all of that. I thought it was only for abused women, and Simon's program was just for drunks.”

Amy forces herself to not cringe at the word 'drunks.' She hates that term. “It started that way, but it's really expanded. As time passed I realized we had to broaden the scope. DV causes many mental health issues. There are many issues that are the root cause of addiction. Even though I started this for DV, I want the NHF to be able to help anyone who needs it... even people who I may have had issues with in the past, or who might not fully trust me. I'm not the only person who works there. You don't ever have to see me if you don't want to.” Sienna nods in understanding. “At least think about it? It took a lot for Bree to ask me to intervene.”

“I'm sure it did. As I said, I know about your rather rocky relationship. You and she weren't on speaking terms when she and I survived that plane crash.”

“I remember.”

Sienna looks down for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “Alright. I will consider it.”

“Thank you. I have some booklets I can send you, or you can check the website.”

“I will. Thank you for agreeing to speak to me for Bree.”

Amy nods, and gestures to the door, she's done. Sienna opens it and they leave the library. Amy follows her out, wondering if Sienna will really look into the programs, or if she just said so to placate her and escape the conversation.

* * * * * {{Bree}} * * * * *

Jaina and I finished cleaning up what we could, a few of the pans needed to soak. I went into the den to join Xiomara. She told me Amy asked to talk to Sienna alone, and I admitted that I had asked Amy to do so. I told her why, and Xio thought it was worth a shot. The door between the den and kitchen is open, and I see Sienna and Amy walk by. Amy gives me a look, and nods. I smile. Sienna goes to the fridge and grabs a water. Amy joins Wyatt, Dom, and Loki at the island. Jaina and Reece have been sitting at the breakfast table having after dinner coffee. Sienna comes into the den and sits next to me. She gives me a look.

“What were you thinking, putting that woman up to that?”

I sigh. “That I was out of options. I am sorry if it made you uncomfortable or caught you off guard but you know I have been worried about you, and nothing has seemed to get through to you.”

“I know you have been. It might not seem like I have been listening, but I have. I know that when I get angry I do things that cross lines. Do you know that Kelcey gave me some pamphlet at the party? When she and I spoke in the cabin.”


“What kind of pamphlet?” It seemed this was the first Xio was hearing of this, too.

“To some place she called a retreat, she went there after she came out of the coma. The whole thing seemed disingenuous coming from her, and I'll be damned if I step foot into some place she says helped her, they'd likely turn me into a vegetable. I threw it away after the party.” I sigh. “But... Amy spoke to me because you asked her to, and she cares about you. While I admit Amy and I have never gotten along until today, I can also admit that there is no way she has any other motives here other than to offer help. I told her I would consider it.”

“You will? Or did you just tell her that?”

“No, I will. But it will have to wait until after Last Laugh.”

I smile. “I'm okay with that. Thank you. I just want you to be okay.”

“I know, sweetie. I know.” We lean in and hug. I glance at Xio over Sienna's shoulder. She looks relieved.

I only hope Sienna actually follows through.

{{Monday, November 30th

It's afternoon and I am outside with Donatella, letting her do her thing. I notice Reece's truck pulling up in his driveway. I wave at him as he pulls a suitcase out of the passenger side. Looks like he's just returning home from... wherever the football game was yesterday. I have no idea, I just know it wasn't here. He goes inside, and I turn my attention back to Tella. I have a plastic bag in hand ready to clean up after her. She seems to be playing around though more than trying to do business. After a few minutes I decide she doesn't really need to go and gently pull on her leash.

“Come on, Tella. You're just playing around. Let's go in, I'm cold.”

She wags her tail and turns towards the house. I start to turn, but I see Reece waving at me from his yard.

“Bree... hang on a second. I have something for you.” I stop and Reece walks over, an envelope in his hand. “Here... this came in the mail to my house by mistake. This has happened a few times before, but it's always been junk mail. This though, I know the logo. It looked important.”

I take the envelope and look at it. It's addressed to Ms. Lancaster. The return address is the logo for the Women's Health Care Clinic. The clinic I took Jaina to have the abortion. Oh my God.
“Oh... thank you. But it's probably nothing.”

“I doubt it. Like I said... I know the logo. My cousin is a nurse and she used to work there.” He's looking at me oddly. Oh my God. He thinks I went there.... like for myself.

“Oh... well, um...” I have no idea what to say here.

“Look, you don't have to feel weird or embarrassed or anything. This is completely your business and it's none of mine. I just brought the letter cause, as I said, I know what the place is, and figured it was something you needed.”

I thought of something. “Right... and thank you. But it's not what you think, okay? I just donated once, and something like that getting out might get me some weird press. It's probably just a thank you or-”

Reece laughs a little. “Bree. Stop. You don't have to lie, it's okay.”

“What makes you think I'm lying?”

“I told you. My cousin worked there. I know they don't run on donations.”

“Oh....” Fuck! I am running out of excuses, anything I say he'll know isn't true.

“Listen, I assume no one knows about this, and it'll stay that way, okay? But you don't have to make things up for my sake. It's none of my business what you and Dom decide for yourselves.... oh wait. I get it.... he doesn't know, does he?”

I can't do this. I can't let him think I did this! “Dammit, Reece! This letter isn't for me! I didn't go there!”

“But it says Ms. Lancaster....” I watch as the comprehension drops. Reece glances at Jaina's Jeep in my driveway. “Oh. You're not the only Ms. Lancaster here. Right.” Reece rubs his face, then looks up at the second level of my house. Jaina's bedroom faces where we're standing. When he looks back at me, I have my hand covering my mouth, I have no idea what to say. “So you've been covering for her this whole time?”

“I'm sorry.” I move my hand, I'd forgotten where I put it. “I promised.”

“You don't have anything to apologize for. You just kept your word.” I nod, wishing I could start this entire conversation over. “Is she actually here? Can I see her?”

“She's here. But... let me tell her I told you? It should come from me.”

“You didn't tell me anything.”

“Yes I did. I could have let you think this was mine and protected her, but I didn't want you think I had done.... that. Jaina made her choice and I am okay with that, but it's not one I would ever make for myself, and I couldn't let you think I did. So.. I will tell her.”

Reece nods. “Alright.”

I invite Reece in after me, and ask him to wait in the living room while I go talk to Jaina. Now that it's out in the open, I almost wish I had just let him think it was me. This is going to break her. I take the letter with me and go up to Jaina's room, and take a deep breath before I knock on her door. She opens it.


“Hey... um. Reece is here to see you. But I should tell you why.” I hand her the letter. “This went to his house by mistake.”

Jaina looks at it, and her face falls when she sees the logo. She looks up at me, horrified.
“Wait... he knows?!”

I nod. “He thought it was mine, he knows what this clinic is.”

“And you told him it wasn't yours?”

“I'm sorry.... I didn't want him to think me and Dom-”

“No... no, of course not. I wouldn't ever ask you to go that far to lie for me.” Still staring at the envelope, Jaina turns and sits on the edge of her bed. “I guess he wants to talk to me.”

“Yeah. I can send him away if you want.”

“No. I'll talk to him.” She finally looks up, her face wet. “You were right. I should have told him from the beginning.”

I didn't want to go the 'told you so' route, so I just nod and leave her room. I go back downstairs. Reece is still standing in the living room. I can't make myself say anything, I just point up the stairs. He nods, and goes up.

* * * * * {{Jaina}} * * * * *

Jaina was still staring at the unopened letter when she hears a knock on her door. She wipes her face off with one hand before answering.

“Come in.”

Reece walks in, and closes the door before looking at Jaina. She looks up at him, it's clear she was crying.

“I'm sorry.”


“What, this?” She waves the letter. Reece nods. “About a month ago. It was from August. When Aunt Bree and Dom were in Paris.”

Reece nods, remembering those two weeks. “Just tell me why.”

Jaina shakes her head. “I just couldn't do it. Aunt Bree kept trying to tell me I could handle it, but I knew I couldn't.”

Reece sits next to her on the bed. “That's not what I meant. I'm not upset about what you did, it was probably the right call.” Jaina looks surprised. “I want to know why you couldn't talk to me about it? I'd have been there, you know? Supported you, gone with you if you wanted. You didn't have to deal with this alone.”

“How was I supposed to know that? We've only known each other a few months, how I was supposed to know you'd feel that way?”

“By saying something!”

“It's not that simple Reece. For all I knew you'd have wanted to, like... get married or something, keep it be all excited about it, when all I wanted to do was make it go away. I couldn't take that chance.”

Reece leans away from her, looking at her like he doesn't know her. “So... you were never going to tell me?” Jaina shakes her head no. Reece looks away for a second, then back up. “I though we were closer than that. I thought you trusted me.”

“I do! I was just scared. I didn't want to be tied down. Not like that, not because of an accident. I didn't want you to feel obligated to... to anything, really.”

“Nothing about you is an obligation. I'd have gone along with your decision, it's the right one. You're too young, and we... I don't even know what we are. Were.” Reece shakes his head again. Jaina can't find any words that make sense in her head. “What happened to everything you told me last week, about wanting to be honest with me, about being with your ex? Was this why? Some kind of.... atonement?”

“Something like that. I didn't want to keep anything else from you. I'm sorry.”

“Yeah. Me too. I just really wish you had trusted me.”

Reece gets up and starts to leave. “Wait...” He turns. “So that's it?”

“I don't know. Can't speak for the future. But that's it for right now.”

Reece then leaves, closing the door quietly. Jaina crumples the unopened letter in her hand and lays sideways on her bed, crying again.

* * * * * {{Bree}} * * * * *

In a much shorter time than I expected, Reece comes back downstairs. He looks very upset.

“Well?” He just shakes his head and heads to the door. “Wait, stop.” He does, and turns to face me, his hand on the doorknob. “Are you really just gonna walk away?”

“I don't really want to. But I'm not sure I have any other choice.”

“You have the choice to not be so hard on her.” He glares at me. “Look, I know it's bad, okay? I tried and tried to get her to talk to you, tell you everything. I know she's nineteen now and more mature than most people her age, but in a lot of ways she is still young and naive, and she thought she was doing the best thing.”

“I'm not upset for the reason you think. She did the right thing about the baby. I'm upset because she didn't trust me enough to talk to me. You know I care about her, right?” I nod. “I thought there was something there, you know? Despite this whole age thing you can't let go of, I thought there was something. But not if she doesn't trust me. I thought she did, but....” Reece just shakes his head again.

“I tried to tell her she could trust you, that she knew deep down you're a good man who wouldn't react badly. She was just scared.”

“That's what she said. But.... I don't know. I need some time to deal with this.”

He turns to open the door. I don't stop him this time. I jump when he shuts the door hard.

I take a deep breath and look up the stairs. I take a few steps up, intending to go talk to Jaina again. But I stop on the fourth step. What was I going to say? That I told her not to lie? That I told her to just talk to him and things would be okay? Even after I gave up trying to convince her keeping the baby was a good idea, I told her to talk to him. At every step of this I told her. And she didn't. Sure, I'd defended her to Reece, but was I really in a position to be telling her “told you so” after I'd recently gotten busted myself for hiding something from Dom, that damn wedding dress at the Halloween party? Jaina knew. I told her at the party what the dress was. And she saw the Inside Edition article and asked me about it on the plane last week. I told her Dom knew, I told her it was an ugly conversation, and that I hated that I had lied. And yet... she still didn't say anything to Reece, he found her out because of a mail mix-up. I couldn't go up there and offer any more comfort than I already had. She made this mess. And if she wanted me to treat her like an adult, she was going to have to fix it herself.

The truth always comes out. I wasn't going to forget that, and now neither would she.


The shot opens to a close up of the SCW World Championship belt. Bree Lancaster's name can be clearly seen on the faceplate. The shot zooms out to reveal that the belt rests around Bree's waist. It keeps panning out and we see that Bree is in a hotel suite, the sliding glass door leading to a private balcony providing a backdrop. Out the door, a view of the city can be seen, the suite is clearly at least ten stories up, maybe higher. Bree stands with her arms spread, much like she does during her ring entrance. Dressed in black jeans and a plain red sweater, she smirks as she now rests her hands on her waist, along the top edge of the belt.

Before we get to the good stuff, I want everyone to take a good look at this belt. You'll note the top reads Supreme Championship Wrestling. You'll also note the bottom has a name plate on it, that reads Bree Lancaster. Do you know what you don't see, though?

The word 'interim.

That's because the very idea of an interim championship is asinine. It means that the previous champion wasn't able to properly defend the championship, so the company had to do something to crown a new champion. It doesn't matter why they were unable to defend it. The fact is that as soon as a new champion is crowned, the previous champion is no longer champion. Continuing to call them such does nothing for the championship, other than drag it down. It does nothing for the new champion, other than call their reign into question from the very beginning. And it does nothing for the previous champion, other than stroke their ego, letting them believe they still hold something that they do not.

It doesn't matter that SCW gave David Helms his belt back. As far as I am concerned, that belt is now a replica, no different than the one I have of the United States Championship. Owning it doesn't make me the champion. David owning that belt doesn't make him still the World Champion. Being willing and able to defend this championship... does. I am willing, I am able. And that babes, is why I call myself the True World Champion. I am the one here fighting, representing everything this belt means.

When David is able to return... I have no problem with facing him again, letting him have a chance to take it back. But spare me this Interim bullshit, please.

I am your World Champion!

Everyone is going to be making quips and one liners based on the name of this pay per view, Last Laugh. I am not here to tell you that I will have the last laugh by the end of the night. Oh no, I am not that unoriginal. I am here to tell you that I've had the first laugh, since I got this championship back, and as much as Ravyn Taylor wants to take it from me, so she can cackle and quote Edgar Allen Poe all night.... it's just not going to happen.

Bree shakes her head, smirking smugly.

Ravyn should never should have been in it at all. Far be it from me to down anyone for taking advantage of an opportunity handed to them, I would do the same thing. But let's talk about how Ravyn even got into the contendership series, shall we? I mean... first of all, it's not the first time that a member of Infamous was thrown into something they didn't deserve, at my expense, now is it?

Let's go back to three years ago. I was in a battle royal that was meant to include myself and nine other competitors. Only seven showed up. Syren and Ravyn did not. It was later revealed that they didn't show because they were involved in a car accident. They tried their hardest to pin the accident on Kennedy Street. Meanwhile, I won that battle royal, becoming the number one contender to the World Championship. In the weeks that followed, I was made to defend that number one contender status three times. I successfully did so. But someone in the high up in the office felt sorry for Syren. So instead of having her do... oh, I don't know... anything to earn a place in the the match that I earned....

They gave Syren a title shot.

This bitch was added to my title match against Jake Starr, a match that I earned four fucking times!

You all know what happened. Syren won that match. I was not pinned. In the rematch... it was another triple threat. Myself, Syren... and Kennedy Street. Who was added so she could get revenge on Syren who... surprise! Was part of a set up, the car accident was faked, just to fuck with Kennedy! And that higher up in the office? No doubt her crusty old manager CHBK, who has friends on the Board. Once again... I was screwed out of what should have been mine for months... a one on one title match.

But who was the mastermind behind that scheme? Not Syren. She's repeatedly admitted she had no idea what was going on. Oh no.... that was Ravyn Taylor.

Bree shakes her head, glaring.

It took me years to build myself back up from the bullshit that Infamous schemed, that Ravyn set in motion. And now here I am... World Champion... and somehow Infamous, likely Ravyn herself with CHBK's help again... has found a way to insert herself this time, into a title sitiation she doesn't belong in.

I mean, what exactly has Ravyn Taylor done all year to deserve to be included in the series? Play flunky for Katya, doing her bidding to make Blake Mason look like a fool? While I admit that was fun to watch, I have to tell you that Blake doesn't need any help in looking like a fool, he can do that all on his own. What else has she done? Been Tag Champion at the beginning of the year? By getting tossed into a ladder match that she and Christy Matthews didn't deserve to be in either, by the way... they had a one day reign at the end of 2019 that was a set up between them and Ryan Watson and Autumn Valentine... and Autumn just happens to be one of Dark Fantasy's best friends.

Bree places a finger in her chin in a mock thinking pose.

Hmmm. I'm starting to see a pattern here!

What else has Ravyn done this year.... if anything at all, it can't have been very important to the fabric of SCW or memorable in any way, because I honestly can't remember. I'm sure Ravyn will tell us all about it, as we all know she never forgets anything. So then I know she will remember that other than give me a slight chuckle earlier this year fucking with Blake... she's done nothing to warrant even being given the chance to get a shot at this title!

The other four entrants had claims, albeit thin ones. Tommy Valentine and I had just fought over it, he came very close to beating me. Glory Braddock, as much as I can't stand that bitch, had a good fight with David thanks to her Trios contract. Owen Cruze is a former champion and has been doing fairly well for himself as of late. And Blake....

Bree stops a second, then laughs.

Okay, I can't come up with a good reason for him, other than either Katya wanted to continue to fuck with him by making him fight his ex's step-son, or Sasha wanted to reward him for putting up with Katya's targeting of him. I guess those are somewhat valid reasons.... What about Ravyn?

Bree puts both hands up in a questioning pose, palms facing upwards.

Oh... wait... I know. CHBK strikes again!

Ravyn. Babe. I'm talking to you now. And I have to ask you.... do you ever do or earn anything that he doesn't set up for you? We all know you're talented, we all know that when you actually decide to fight, you can go. Who can forget the wars you had with my best friend Sienna Swann? Or my former friend Jordan Majors? Or, let's go back further than that... your record breaking near-two year reign as United States Champion that was finally ended in one of the hardest fought battles I can remember seeing, by Dawn Lohan?

You have it, babe. You don't need to rely on all these schemes and backdoor politicking to get where you want to be. You can go out and earn it any time you want. Like I did. Like I was forced to after one of your schemes fucked me over so hard that here I am, current World Champion, yet still so pissed about it that I am still seething over it! If anyone ever wondered why I can't stand Syren to this day? That is why.

And you, Ravyn Taylor... Syren's wife... helped set that whole scheme up. So imagine what I think of you.

Bree shakes her head, then reaches behind herself to remove the belt. She holds it up and rests it over her shoulder.

Do you see this belt, babe? It's not something that anyone should be able to claim through trickery and schemes. I fully admit that I have done some underhanded things in the ring, just take a look at my and Sienna's Tag League record. We haven't lost a match yet, and we've gotten to where we are by outsmarting our opponents in every way imaginable. But when it comes to championships.... especially this championship?

There is no room or place for those kinds of games. I was given my shot at James Evans because he attacked me from behind with a chair, and he wanted a shot at the United States Championship after I won it back. I defeated him as cleanly as possible, I had no idea Syren had ran in and hit his knee. You can't put that on my back, I had nothing to do with that. I defended this championship twice before David Helms got me. There was no trickery or cheap tactics involved in either one. I outsmarted and outwrestled Matt Hodges and I beat Aaron Blackbourne clean.

So imagine how angry, how utterly outraged I am by the fact that not only were you selected for this five person series in the first place, but now that I have to actually defend this against you, when... surprise, surprise.... you didn't even earn the win in the finals against Owen Cruze!

Bree sets the belt down on the bed and stands up, she is too pissed now to remain seated.

Oh no. Nonono. You were handed that victory thanks to Sienna's well placed knee to your jaw! And I already know what you're gonna do, babe. You're gonna try to use that to instill animosity between us, because everyone knows how much she and you despise each other, you'll do the same thing everyone else does and try to make me question our friendship. I will admit something to you babe, and to everyone else listening. When I saw Sienna run out there and crack you in the jaw? I was livid. Scott had to pull me away from the locker room to keep me from losing my shit when Sienna got back there. I didn't understand it, why would she go out there and hand anyone a title shot, much less you? One of her greatest enemies?

But I get it now. She thought it better to screw Owen than to let things fall as they may. She has this... alliance, with Giovanni Aries, and she had to play along with his plans to systematically destroy the Perfect Pack one by one... because it all goes back to Kelcey.

I don't agree with it. But I get it.

So, despite my mantra this entire year of only wanting to face people who are worthy to challenge me... a woman who has only been pinned thrice this whole year, and only one was legitimate, by the way... I have to face you. A woman who was inserted into a position she doesn't deserve, over at least three people I can think of who had a better claim.... all due to who you're friends with and what strings he can pull.

It makes me sick.

None of your intimidation tactics are going to throw me off my game, babe. The posse going to the ring every time you decide to speak. Sending your husband out to cheap shot me from behind for no fucking reason at all other than to piss me off. Whatever scheme you, Syren, CHBK, or whoever's ass he kissed – probably Katya's – to get your entry into the series signed off on. None of it is going to work! You will not get away with this! I absolutely refuse to be screwed over by another one of your bullshit schemes to place either yourself or Syren as World Champion!

Not again!

There will be no highway robbery of the World Championship tomorrow night.

There will be no Infamous celebration, with a gang of goons coming to ringside.

There will only be me, standing in the middle of the ring, holding this belt-

Bree picks the belt up from the bed behind her and holds it up.

-High over my head, in victory, and proof that no matter what SCW wants to call this championship... I am the True World Champion. And after I once again save SCW from a future of being headed by an unworthy champion who's done nothing to earn the opportunity she has, at any step of the way whatsoever... I will humbly bask in all of the thank yous the SCW Faithful will shower me with... and simply say....

You're welcome.

Bree lowers the belt, holding it across her waist. She then takes a bow. When she straightens, she holds the belt up with both hands and the camera zooms in on it, starting the video off the same way it started... with a shot of the faceplate, and Bree's name engraved in gold.