Rise to Greatness 2024
My match with Scott Reed did not go the way I wanted. We were giving each other our best, as we both promised to do, when Yuyo took it upon herself to slide into the ring and stop the match, just to tell me what I already know – I’m facing her at Rise to Greatness with my Adrenaline Championship up for grabs. I’m not sure why the official didn’t force her out, or why Scott walked away instead of waiting for Yuyo to finish her foolishness so we could continue our match. I tried to find him after the show but he had already left. I hope to catch up to him soon.
At home, I am bracing myself for the first post-divorce visit from Dom. His show is on a month-long break from filming, as they’ve done half the next season, so he’s decided to come back to New Orleans for a little while to spend some time with Heath. Obviously, I don’t have a problem with that, but there are things he doesn’t know that he will be shocked to find out. Such as the fact that Josh and I are looking to buy a house together, and that for the interim…. Josh and Jalyn will be moving in with me. His lease was up in August anyway so it’s perfect timing. Yes, I probably should have told Dom this already, but I figured it would be easier in person. However now, I’m thinking that may have been a mistake.
{{ Friday, July 12
Kenner, LA
Bree’s home }}
Heath squeals as Dom walks through the door. I smile as he runs towards him. Dom bends down and scoops him up.
“Hey there Nugget!” Heath throws his little arms around his daddy’s neck.
“I think he might have missed you.”
“Oh, you think?” Dom grins as he hugs our son close. We’ve done weekly video calls so Heath can see and talk to Dom and be sure he knows his daddy didn’t abandon him. I’m not sure he understands though that momma and dada aren’t together anymore. He seems to understand me and Josh are, but who knows how toddlers think. He might think all momma’s have two men close to them in their lives. Maybe it’s something Dom and I should discuss, about how to answer him when he’s old enough to ask.
“What do you say, bud. Did you miss me?”
“Yes, miss you.” Heath leans his head down on Dom’s shoulder again.
“Well, I’ll be around for a little while, and we’ll have a whole lot of time together, what do you think?”
“Lot of time, yes!” Heath smiles.
We go into the den, Dom carrying Heath there. I ask as we walk, “How long are you in town for exactly, anyway?”
Dom sits on the couch, settling Heath in his lap. “Well, we start back mid-August, so I’d say first week of August I’ll have to get back to prepare.”
“Oh, that’s… a while.” I can’t stop myself from glancing around the house. I’m hoping he isn’t planning on staying here.
“Yeah, but I got a really good deal on a suite at the Sheraton downtown, so at least I’ll be comfortable.”
Oh. I smile, hoping my relief isn’t visible. “That’s a good place, even if it is a drive from here.”
“Yeah, well, Kenner isn’t exactly a mecca of four and five star hotels, so…” Dom smirks as he shrugs. I laugh.
“That’s the damn truth.” The best you’ll get in this area is a Hilton Doubletree. And it’s not really that great. You’d think there would be better accommodations close to the airport, but that would make too much sense, and sense is in short supply around here.
“So, uh…” Dom looks around pantomiming looking for something, or someone. “Is anyone else here right now?”
“No. Josh is at the Academy. I took the day off training since you were coming in.” Jalyn is at the gym daycare as usual.
“Oh. Alright. Suppose I’ll have a chance to say hi sometime soon then.”
“Actually… yes you will. He and Jalyn are coming to stay here.”
“When, tonight?”
I shake my head. “No… I mean, they’re coming to live here.”
Dom blinks, surprised. “Oh. That’s… uh… I actually don’t know what to say.”
I frown. “Does that upset you?”
“Not upset. More like… concern. Are you sure that’s a good idea so soon?”
“He was always here anyway, and his lease expires next month. It seemed logical.”
“I see. Well… I hope it works out for you.”
“Of course! I want you to be happy, Bree. If you truly feel this is a good idea and will make you happy, then I want it to work for you. And this one.” Dom jiggles Heath in his lap. “What do you think, buddy? Do you like Josh being here?”
“Josh Ja-en my fwends.” My eyes widen a little. That was almost a complete sentence.
“Oh yeah?”
Heath nods. “Uh huh. And Momma’s fwend. Your fwend too?”
Dom glances at me. “Sure buddy, we’re all friends.”
“All fwends!” He claps happily. I certainly hope it works out that way.
“Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?” I shake my head. “Is this happening before or after Rise?”
“In a few days, actually. Why?”
“Oh.” Dom looks down at Heath a moment. “Well, I was going to offer to stay here with him while you were gone for the show. I’d get some time with him, you wouldn’t have to worry.”
I smile. “I appreciate that, and it would be a good idea except I don’t think we should leave Heath and take Jalyn.”
Dom winces, scoffing at himself. “Forgive me, but I keep forgetting about her.”
“You’ll get used to it. She calls me Momma now.” I can’t help smiling.
“Does she? That’s sweet.” I can tell he genuinely means it. Since we’ve separated, I’ve started being able to read him again. He’s no longer trying so hard to ‘act’ for me.
“We thought so.”
“I’ll not forget to consider her again. In that case… uh…” He looks down at Heath again. “They could both stay here with me?”
“You don’t sound very comfortable with that, and I don’t think Josh would be either. No offense.” He does not like being away from her more than overnight, when Amy or Jaina keeps them for us.
“None taken. I was sincere, though.”
“I know you were. Why don’t you just come with us to St. Louis? You can stay with them while we’re working, and still get to spend time with him.”
Dom raises an eyebrow. “And Josh would be okay with that?”
“I’ll have to ask, of course. But I don’t see it being a problem. We usually have Jaina or Marie with them, but Jaina will be busy and I’m not sure if Marie is coming.” Dom makes a questioning face. “Long story. Spencer is in town.”
“I saw him on TV. He’s still here?” I nod. “Understood. Well, as long as Josh doesn’t have a problem with that, I’m up for it.”
“Great. I’ll call and see about getting you a room where we are. It’s late notice, but I’m me and you’re you.” I smirk.
“This fame thing comes in handy occasionally.” We both laugh. Heath giggles, even though he doesn’t know the joke.
“So, while you’re here, I do have something else to tell you.”
“Let me guess… you’re getting married?”
I gasp. “Ohmygods, no! The ink isn’t dry on our documents for fu---fudge’s sake.” I’ve been trying to watch my language around the kids, they’re starting to repeat everything. Dom laughs.
“I didn’t think so, just messing with you.” I give him a fake glare. “What is it then?”
“Well… Josh moving here is meant to be temporary. We’re looking for a new place together. So I’ll be selling this one.”
He thinks a second or two, then nods. “Well, that makes sense. You do seem to have a habit of changing your environment with other big life changes.” He’s not wrong, and I did consider that. I bought the Carondolet house after I left Blake in New York. I sold that and bought this one after I had a stalker break in and leave threatening items in my bed.
“It’s true. But it was also Josh’s suggestion. So anyway… I’m telling you because I want to offer you first option.” Dom’s brow raises. I’m sure he didn’t expect that. “If it goes on the open market, my realtor wants to list it for almost a million over my purchase price. The housing market is insane right now.” He nods in agreement. It’s probably just as crazy in California. “But for you, I’d only ask what I paid for it.”
“That’s… really generous of you.”
“And I’m only really asking you for that because I’ll need the capital for the new house.”
“Not as if I would expect you to just sign over the deed to me, that would be ridiculous.”
“I thought about how you said you might get a house here for when you’re visiting Heath. It’s already familiar to you, and most importantly, familiar to him.”
“Those are all good points. It’s a really good offer Bree, I appreciate it. I’ll have to think about it though, I’m still not sure if I’ll end up making here or there my base, if that makes sense.”
“It does. We’re planning on viewing and hopefully buying after Rise during the break. So you have a little time, but not too much.”
“Can I ask you something a little personal?” Dom gives me a scowl.
“What kind of question is that? You can ask me anything, that’s never changed.”
I grin a little. “Just making sure. So, what I want to ask is, does your hesitance have anything to do with Robin?”
Dom sits back against the couch, causing Heath to lean back against him. Kid looks as comfortable as a cat napping in the sun. “No, but also yes. It’s mostly because I wasn’t expecting an offer like that and I need to consider things like upcoming projects, financials. As for her… she’s actually just bought a place in Santa Monica so…”
“I see.” I guess she didn’t ‘go for it’ like I advised her. “I guess I thought—”
“You keep assuming it’s a bigger thing than it is. And maybe it’s bigger than it was when I left here, but… she bought a place.” He shrugs. I’m also aware that she isn’t with him here.
“I think I understand. Well, the offer is there.”
“Its definitely worth considering. I’ll let you know before Rise.”
“That’s fair.”
Dom stayed a while longer, even going out in the pool with Heath for a bit in the afternoon. He left around five, and while he didn’t say so, I know it’s because he knew that Josh would be back from BOA soon. It’s probably not the best time for that just yet.
{{ Sunday, July 14
Kenner, LA
Bree’s home }}
Tonight is the first night Josh and Jalyn are officially moved in. I want to sort of ‘make up’ for the emotional turmoil of last night, and make sure Josh knows that he can always trust me, with anything. We both have tough fights ahead of us at Rise to Greatness, Josh though has other challenges, that live inside his head. Last night, we spent the night as his old place, sort of a ‘last night here, let’s make it memorable’ thing. And it was…. But not in the way I think he intended. He’d been acting distant and distracted for a few weeks, not to mention the weirdness in the locker room that one time, and I wouldn’t let him shut me out. If we’re going to live together and make a real effort at this relationship, we have to trust each other with our truths. We have to fully believe – know – that we are safe with each other. Eventually, he broke down and told me everything. It was partially what I suspected, but some of it shocked me, too. I know what he’s going through. I’ve been through it. I did my best to assure him how much I love him and I am there for him no matter what.
He told me he’d loved me for a long time, and I guess I kinda always knew that. Trust is important too, and it makes me feel so good to know that’s there, too, despite the details of what he told me about. I only hope I have enough in me to help him through it.
Jaina has the kids tonight for us, and so far it’s been a good night. Instead of ordering out again, I made something southern so he’d know what to get used to living with me, that being red beans with sausage over rice. I mentioned to him what I discussed with Dom about Rise and him staying with the kids while we worked. He was a little skeptical at first, he’s very protective of his little girl. But then realized that if I trusted Dom with them, he should too, and so he agreed to the idea. After dinner, we decided since it’s a warm night, to go for a swim.
After a few lazy laps to acclimate to the water, Josh and I sort of float next to each other, looking up at the sky.
“Okay. I completely understand now why you insist on our new house having a pool.”
“Isn’t it just the best way to relax?”
“I’m starting to agree with that. Especially with you.” He turns his head and smiles at me.
“While I appreciate the compliment, I want to stress the fact that it’s amazing when you need to be alone with your thoughts. I learned that living in New York.”
“With Blake.” It wasn’t a question, he knows my history.
“Yeah. That pool was gigantic, but it’s where I learned to find peace like this in the middle of whatever chaos or bullshit was going on in life. My house before this one didn’t have a pool and that was a mistake. It’s a must have for me now.”
“I have no argument with that. We should also make sure there’s a tall solid fence around it, like this one. For privacy.”
We both smirk. Did I mention we’re swimming nude? No? Well, we are, because we can.
“Done. This backyard is one of the main things that sold me on this place, because of the privacy.”
“It’s the best part. Other than the primary bedroom.” Another smirk. I do love my huge bedroom with the sitting area and balcony. We’ve floated close to the bench area, and Josh backs into it and sits. I turn so I’m treading, facing him.
“You know… we could just stay here. You seem to really like it.”
“I do. But something about moving into a space where you had a life with some other guy just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s fine for now, obviously, but not for good. It’s like… invading space that isn’t mine.”
“Hey.” I go closer, right in front of him. He grabs onto me, and I lean my legs on the bench, around him. “My space is your space. You’re not ‘invading’ anything. You are very, very, welcome in my space.” I smirk, making the innuendo clear. He smirks back, and kisses me.
“I’m aware of that, believe me. I just feel the need for a fresh start, you know? Make our own home, in a space just for us, with our own memories, with our babies.”
“I understand, and I don’t disagree. I agreed to live with you, and if you want a new space, I’m happy to do that. I just meant that for me, staying here would be acceptable, too. Home for me is where you are, and I’d like to think that home for you is where I am, wherever that may be. We’re each other’s safe place, babe.”
“Home is where you are, love. And I have to tell you that I feel just as safe with you here as I did last night…” He looks away for a moment, but only a moment. “I want a place where you feel safe too, that isn’t full of bad memories.”
I look past Josh at the house behind him. He’s right. There’s been a lot of good here, but a lot of bad, too. I look back at Josh and grab his face with both hands, gently.
“You’re right. You’ve convinced me. Fresh start it is.” I kiss him, deeply. After a minute or so, he pulls me closer… and into my space.
This will be one memory at this house I’ll keep.
{{ Sunday, July 21
Kenner, LA
Veterans Memorial Park }}
Breakdown was a few days ago, the last show before Rise to Greatness. Josh fought Ravyn Taylor, and in my professional opinion had her on the ropes… but Selena stuck herself into things and knocked him down with a Glass Shard. It’s a DQ win over Ravyn but it’s not what anyone – except Selena – wanted. I didn’t have a match this week, I was just interviewed about facing Yuyo for the Adrenaline Championship. Someone attacked her friends last week and they suspected I had something to do with it. Maybe a few years ago I might have pulled something like that, but that’s not who I am anymore. I don’t know if Yuyo believed me when I said I had nothing to do with it, but it truly doesn’t matter. We’ll go face to face in St. Louis and once the bell rings everything other than who is the better fighter will become irrelevant.
I plan on having Rise to Greatness in mind tonight when I go with Jaina to another full moon ritual with the Sacred Sisters. It’s just us tonight, Marie had plans with Spencer. It seems like those two might be working out whatever happened between them when he left two years ago. It’s not my business nor my concern, at least not yet. If it upsets Jaina? Then I’ll take a closer interest. Anyway, Jaina said the focus of the ritual tonight was going to be personal power. I felt that fit exactly what I needed to be prepared for Rise next week.
As I drive us to the park, Jaina seems to have something on her mind.
“So, are you sure you even want to participate? After what you told me Mom said that stuck in your head?”
“Yes, I want to go. I’m not sure if I believe what Amy said or not. And I won’t know unless I see more for myself.”
Jaina shakes her head. “I can’t believe you’d even entertain the idea that Maia is a fake! Mom is just biased against them, for reasons.”
“What reasons, Jay? It’s crystal-clear Amy and the Sisters don’t like each other, but why? No one will tell me, and I don’t like it.”
Jaina sighs. “It’s hard to explain if you’re not well versed magickally.”
“I know more than you think I do. Try me.”
“Okay…” Jaina sounds skeptical but continues. “So, around the holidays, I forget exactly when, there was a ritual that everyone was invited to, not just the coven. Mom decided to go, even though she usually doesn’t do those things. She thought doing something different in a group might help with her recovery. So, it was meant to be like a community protection ritual, both locally and nationwide. I’m sure I don’t have to explain why?”
“No, you don’t.” Politics in both arenas are apeshit.
“Okay. So we get there, and Maia is leading, because the Sisters organized it. There’s like thirty people there, right? So the ritual starts, and it’s all good at first. Then Maia says she’s going to call down Kali Ma for aid.” Jaina glances at me.
“That seems… drastic.” Kali Ma is a rather destructive goddess, usually called on for vengeance. Jaina nods, understanding that I know who She is.
“It is, but Maia believed drastic was needed. Mom though?” Jaina shakes her head. “She interrupted and called out Maia for going overboard. Saying that we should be drawing on positivity and love for protection rather than the destruction Kali brings.”
“I can see her point.”
“Maybe, but we’ve tried that. For years, witches around the country have tried that. And… just look. Nothing’s better. If anything, it’s worse. Maia explained that sometimes you need to burn everything down so new things can grow.”
“Hmm. Maybe. But—”
“And maybe Mom wouldn’t have been so adamant if Maia had only wanted to ask Kali Ma for Her assistance, but she wanted to invoke Her. Mom didn’t think that was necessary, because Kali Ma can be hard to control, or dismiss. But she’s Maia’s patron goddess, so she can handle it. But Mom….” Jaina scoffs, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe the scene she made before leaving.”
I remain quiet as we pull into the park’s parking lot, taking in everything Jaina said. Personally, I agree with Amy. Protection is supposed to be positive energy. I may be new to a lot of this, but even I understand that calling on a deity known for violence isn’t positive energy. I can see how someone might see Maia’s argument, though. People get desperate when nothing else they’ve tried works. It happens in anything. Work, love, dealing with trauma. I’ve been through it in relationships. Amy has with her drinking and trying to overcome it. Josh just went through it with me, so desperate to not relive that horrible event that he didn’t want to be honest with me. I park and kill the engine, but make no move to get out.
“So. What do you think?”
“Is this the reason why you and your mom seem to be at odds, other than in SCW?”
“Yeah, kinda. Some of it is her recovery, some things came up in her therapy. But this is part of it, too. It’s like she just can’t accept someone else’s views. And that’s pretty fucking contradictory for a pagan. She asked me to help her with the runes and binding for Simon and his crew, and I agreed to do that because fuck him dry, right? But… Mom just refuses to admit she could be wrong. Or that they’re both right because there are different ways to do things.”
“I see. Well, I can understand now why the Sisters don’t like her, and why the feeling is mutual.” Personally, I’m starting to think more and more that Amy is right about this group, or at least Maia. She’s a fraud that doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Fifteen minutes later, the ritual has begun. Maia welcomed us to full moon, July’s known as the Thunder Moon.
“This is where we can draw our personal power from. The pure strength of Thor as He sends the thunder down to earth. Not only can we draw from in, to increase what’s already inside us, but we can use it to take back power that’s been stolen from us.”
I look towards Jaina. This sounds like more negative bullshit to me. Jaina gives no reaction.
“So. As part of our working tonight, we’re going to send a binding to someone in the community who has been trying to undermine our work, call us wrong and inept, and take our power from us.”
“A binding?” One young woman, possibly a teenager, asks.
“On who?” That was the important question, in my mind. Maia ignores the young woman and gives me a slight glare.
“I will not say the name aloud, their beliefs are between them and their gods. But their actions have affected us. Words have power, and their words have been poisoning the community against us for months.”
“Has this person done anything to us, though?” Another woman asks.
“Physically, tangibly? No. But their words are meant to steal our power, erode the people’s trust in us, and we can’t allow that to happen.”
So wait… whoever this is, hasn’t actually done anything to deserve this, other than express an opinion? That sounds more like an unprovoked curse or hex, rather than a binding, to me.
“I’ll ask again. Who is it?”
“I’ll answer again. You don’t need to know. The name is on the altar for deity to see. All that’s important is sending your energy towards binding this person from harming us any further.”
Instantly I start shaking my head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can be a part of this.”
“Aunt Bree, what are you doing? Don’t be like Mom….” Jaina whispers loudly to me. Maia’s expression tells me she heard Jaina. I wave her off.
“I’m being me, Jay! And I’m not going to put my energy into something that honestly sounds dubious to begin with, when I don’t know who that energy is being directed to. That doesn’t seem very ethical to me.”
“Ethical? Is it ethical to smear our reputations?” Jaina speaks at full volume now.
“It’s alright, Jaina. I respect Bree’s opinion. If she doesn’t want to take part, she is free to step out of the circle.”
“I was going to ‘step out’ with or without your permission. And Jaina,” I turn to her. “I strongly suggest you do the same. You have no idea who’s name is on that paper, you don’t know what repercussions this could have.” Based on everything Maia has said, and what I now know happened a few months ago, I have a strong suspicion who’s name is on that altar, and if I’m right, Jaina will never forgive herself for being part of something that caused harm to her mother. Jaina stares at me a moment, then at Maia.
“You are free to leave as well, if you wish.”
“I…” Jaina shakes her head. I know she trusts me more than anyone else, but she had trust in Maia, too.
“Think about Lux Veritatis, Jay. That’s not just something I say on TV, I try my best to live it. Ask yourself how can you be part of a working when the target is in shadow? Isn’t one of the basic tenets of magick to make sure you know the whole truth of the situation before doing anything?”
Jaina nods. But before she can say anything, Maia walks closer to us, almost between us, but far enough away to look at us both at the same time.
“I know the truth. I’m the one who will direct the energy so that’s all that matters.”
I am about to argue back when a large gust of wind blows through the circle. It swooshes up the papers from the altar and sends them straight into me and Jaina’s faces. We both catch them on instinct, protecting our faces. I look at mine and see it’s a printed copy of the ritual plans. Maia snatches the papers Jaina caught out of her hands, but I step back before she can take mine. She watches me with trepidation as I look through them. I stop on one, and stare at it. The name is written in cursive in red ink, three times. My suspicions were right. It’s Amy’s full name – Amy Louise Chastaine Lancaster. I take another step back glare up at Maia. It’s all clear to me in an instant. I fold the paper in half, then in half again and hand it to her. She knows I’ve seen the name.
“I know what you’re doing. And I am not doing this.” I turn to Jaina. “I will ask you again, are you coming with me or are you participating in this?”
“You know. You saw the name.” I nod. “Who is it?” I shake my head. “Aunt Bree! Who is it?”
“The wind put that paper in my hands, if you were meant to know it would have gone to yours. You have to follow your instincts and decide on your own.”
“That’s bullshit, just tell me. Please!” I think she suspects and wants to be wrong.
“You don’t need to know, to listen to your soul. Look at the path Lux Veritatis is leading you down, trust it, and you’ll know what you need to do.” I just told her that whatever she’s thinking is the truth. Jaina looks towards Maia, who is waiting serenely. Jaina looks back at me, and we meet eyes. She then takes a step backwards.
“I’m sorry, Maia. My aunt is right. I can’t send my energy towards someone if I don’t know who it is. It’s too chaotic.”
Maia glares at me, then forces it away to speak. “Very well. I respect your choice. You’re free to leave.”
I immediately turn and walk off, and hear Jaina’s steps following me through the grass.
We get to my car and get in. As we’re getting our seatbelts on, I break the silence.
“I’m proud of you, Jay. More than you know.” I start the car, but don’t put it in gear yet.
“Who is it?”
“Jay…” I don’t’ want her to know that the people she thinks are her friends – sisters – have been using her. And me. They wanted our energy specifically to make whatever they’re doing to Amy more powerful. It’s sneaky and disgusting and I feel almost violated.
“I backed out, I made my decision. You can tell me now. Do we know them?” I just stare at her. She whispers to herself, almost inaudible, ‘Lux Veritatis…’ She then gasps. “Mom.” I just nod. “We have to stop them!” Jaina starts to get out of the car, but I grab her arm.
Jaina stares at me in horror? “No?!”
“Let them think what they’re doing will work. We have to go to your mom. She’ll know what to do.” This is way over my experience level, and maybe Jaina’s, too.
“What if what they’re doing blocks her energy and she can’t do anything?”
“We’ll figure that out if we need to. She can instruct us if necessary.”
Jaina looks out the window at the circle. “But we don’t know exactly what they’re doing.”
“It doesn’t matter. Let them be the ones stirring up negativity. We’re better than that.”
Jaina sighs hard, and sits back in the car seat. “We are. Okay.”
“Okay.” I put the car in reverse and pull out.
Maia said that the purpose of the ritual was personal power, and taking it back. She might think she failed because she lost our energy, but in reality, it worked. We took back our power by refusing to let her use it for her purposes. On the drive home, I think about a few days ago with Josh. He took back his own power, too.
I make a mental note to use this in preparing for Rise to Greatness. Selena has tried to steal everyone’s power to build up her own, and Josh can put a stop to that. As for me? Yuyo may not have threatened me personally, but she’s declared she is taking my championship, not that she’ll try, but as if it’s a foregone conclusion. Being Adrenaline Champion is the power that I have in SCW, it’s what I’m responsible for, and I’m not going to let anyone take that away from me so easily.
I wanted to like you, Yuyo.
I really did. You’re bright and bubbly and eccentric, and on top of all of that? You’re talented. You’re something unique in this business, in that you aren’t trying to be something you’re not. You’re just you. And I wanted to like you for that. Except that in the last few weeks, the real you has started to come out of the shadows and into the light of truth. And that… that’s what I don’t like.
I was having a great match with Scott Reed, and yet you felt it necessary to walk out to the ring and just… interrupt. Tell us the match was over because you had something to say. That’s not the way I would expect a contender for any championship to conduct themselves. It would be smarter to let the match play out, watch what the champion does, and try to learn something you can use when you face them. But… you decided you’d rather make a statement, ruin a great match for no reason, and most importantly, anger the champion. This is not a situation you want to be walking into at the biggest show of the year, Yuyo, and it was all avoidable. All you had to do was stay out of an ongoing match.
I could have overlooked that, though. You’re young and excited and you’re riding high on winning the tournament held to determine my next challenger. You could have just been caught up in the excitement and got carried away. Except the next week… you flat out accused me of being behind the people who attacked the Shining Maidens, your friends, during their match. I said it on Breakdown and I’ll say it again right now – I had nothing to do with that. I don’t have any interest in what’s going on in the tag division for starters. And even if I did want to do something to weaken you before Sunday, which I don’t. But if I did… jumping your friends wouldn’t do that. It would make more sense to attack you. I may not be that kind of person anymore, but I do still have common sense. People who do things like that think they are showing their strength, that they’re acting from a place of power, but it’s actually the opposite. It comes from a place of weakness, it’s an admission that they don’t believe they can do things themselves. That’s not who I am. Think a little bit longer before you start making baseless accusations babe, because next time? You might anger someone with a much shorter temper than me. Just a little advice from the champion to the challenger.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about motivations. And I don’t mean what our goals are. You want to become Adrenaline Champion and I want to remain champion. Those are surface motivations, short term goals. I mean deeper. Long term, world view. What drives us to train every day, fly to work every week, fight every match as if it’s the most important one. You like to tell everyone every time you make an entrance what yours is, in fact you scream it at the top of your lungs.
That’s a fine word, and a great value to look up to, usually. But justice is not absolute. Do you know what is absolute, and what drives me? I think you do.
Now you might argue that Justice and Truth are both equally important values to uphold and fight for, but I don’t agree, and I will tell you why. Justice… can never be absolute. The popular phrase goes ‘justice is blind’ but that’s not the Truth. Justice, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Eyes of humans, who are imperfect beings. What looks like justice to you could seem like violation or even betrayal to me. Every person has their own opinions, their own history that shapes those opinions, and as much as we don’t like to admit it, their own prejudices, that shape how we view every situation we come across. As long as humans are imperfect, justice will never be absolute.
Truth? Just exists. The truth is the truth no matter what. Whether or not you believe it, or accept it, or hate it. It exists. Truth can’t be changed to fit your narrative. Many try, and most fail. Truth can’t be changed, no matter how much it hurts. Justice changes, when the law changes. But truth remains hard and fast. Let me give you an example.
Selena Frost, the SCW World Champion – until Sunday anyway – fights for integrity, her version of justice. She’s protected herself with contracts and a referee she trusts. When someone does something that breaks a clause in her contracts, they are removed from contention, or fined, or if its in a match, disqualified. And Selena calls that justice.
But what is the truth? Is she really doing what’s best for SCW, to keep the championship at a higher level as she claims? Or is it that she’s hiding behind all these things to protect herself from facing failure again?
That’s the problem with justice, Yuyo.
Justice is surface level, it’s subjective and open to interpretation. While we may strive for it in most cases, the truth is that real justice can never be served, because prejudices and personal experience color the eyes that judge.
But truth?
There is nothing more concrete or steadfast than truth. Lux Veritatis demands nothing less from us. It shines the spotlight on all truths, the ones we want to scream to the world and hope people heed, as well as the ones we’d rather keep tucked way and in secret forever. It can be kept in shadow for a time, some truths were kept in darkness far longer than they should have been. But eventually… the light reaches it. The truth always comes out, and the truth always wins.
What you’re fighting for, Yuyo, is something that’s not solid. It’s fluid and in many cases, self-serving. You would consider it justice for yourself if you beat me at Rise to Greatness and become Adrenaline Champion. You would see it that way because it’s what you want. But that doesn’t make it correct.
You might ask, what would I see as justice? And honestly, I wouldn’t seek justice at all. It’s far too often tainted and hides truth in favor of personal prejudice, by people seeking to keep power, or take power away from others.
I will always seek, live for, and fight for Truth. I may not always know the truth, or be ready to admit certain truths. I am an imperfect human, too. It’s a challenge and a lesson every day when you live for Truth. It forces you to question your own motivations, and the way you see the world. It teaches you true respect, not only for others but for yourself. That is the honest way to gain and keep power. If you always have the truth at your side, no one can take that or your power away from you.
My power right now in SCW is being Adrenaline Champion. I fight for it every time I get in the ring, I have since January, and I plan to keep fighting for it for as long as I can. I wanted to like you, Yuyo. But I can’t like someone who fights for something as intangible as justice, especially when they’re trying to take my championship, my power, away from me. I simply cannon and will not let that happen.
Justice can never overpower Truth, babe.
But Truth can overpower and topple anything.