
Breakdown 6-20-24


June 4
Los Angeles
Sparxxx Studios


“Good! Cut!”
Jakob Sparks called for the cameras to stop. Mallory and I both relaxed. We were sitting on the edge of a bed in one of the bedroom sets, both in lingerie sets. Mine was hot pink, hers the same style except in black. We weren’t filming video though, just going through poses for pictures.
“Get everything you wanted?” Mallory flipped her red hair back off her shoulder as she asked Jakob his assessment.
“Mostly. I just gotta get another SD card for this thing. How about you ladies get ready for the next set?”
“Got it.” I stood up and went to the dresser, where a list sat. Next on the list? Nudes. I’d been doing this for almost two months now, so it wasn’t anything unusual to me. But as far as I knew, Mallory hadn’t done any shots like that yet.
“Hey Jakob, is this—” But he’d already walked out of the room. I snatched up the list and spun around to Mallory.
“Are you aware what’s next on this?”
“No? Are we doing video?”
“No. It’s… here.” I just handed her the list. Mallory read it. And her face went paler than her skin usually is.
“Is this for real?”
“It’s what he gave me.”
“Shit… I’ve done dozens of shoots before coming to work here. Just never… not nudes. Not yet.” So I had been right.
“And he didn’t tell you about this first?”
“No.” She handed me the paper back, and sat on the end of the bed, looking seventeen kinds of nervous. I first met Mallory the same day I signed my contract. She and another young woman, Paige, had been walking in as I was leaving. I remember wondering about their ages, because they looked really young. In fact, I had been skeptical about Paige even being legal. Since then though, I’ve worked with them both in pictures for HotSparxxx, the new site Jakob launched. Turns out Jakob had told me the truth. They were old enough… just barely. Mallory is 23, and Paige? 20. The first time I worked with them felt weird. They weren’t very much older than Tommy’s daughter Taylor, who’s almost 16, or my niece Carla, who’s 19. I couldn’t imagine either of them doing anything like this, much less alongside me. But, I had to get over the ick and fast. I signed a contract, and while Jakob is a nice guy as long as everything is going smoothly… I learned early on that crossing him is not a good idea…..


***** March 11 *****


It was my second day working for Jakob, and he had me posing with the young woman I’d met when I signed my contract, Paige. She was new to the business and seemed skittish to me, but Jakob assured me she would be great once she loosened up. She and I sat on a black sofa in one of the set rooms, done up like a stereotypical single man’s apartment. Black leather sofa and chair, mahogany-stained walls, gray metal framed coffee and side tables, you get the idea. We were waiting for Jakob to join us in the room to start. I was wearing a red string bikini – literally. The only actual fabric involved were three triangles that if you put them together, would be smaller than a handkerchief. Two of them covered my nipples, while the third covered my coochie – barely. If I moved the wrong way, I had to tuck a lip back in. Paige was in a similar bikini, her triangles were slightly larger than mine, but thinking about it now, maybe it just looked that way because her tits were smaller than mine. Either way, she looked as nervous as a virgin on prom night as we sat there waiting to start.
“Hey… are you okay? Your hands are shaking.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just, um… a little cold.”
“Under these lights?”
Paige shrugged. “I’m always cold.”
“Oh. Well, you’ll probably warm up once we start moving around.” Paige simply nodded. “Jakob told me you’re pretty new to this, right?”
“Yes. Aren’t you?”
“Yes and no. I’ve done similar photo shoots before, but not directly marketed as porn.”
“Oh.” My answer seemed to make her more nervous. Maybe it was the word ‘porn.’
“Paige, can I ask you a question?” She nodded. “How old are you? Really?”
Paige looked around, as if making sure no one was around to hear her. “Nineteen.”
“Holy shit.” I couldn’t stop myself.
“My birthday is next month, though.” She said in an upbeat way, as if having a two in front of her age instead of a one instantly made a difference.
“I get it. You want to know why someone my age is doing this.”
“More like… how?”
Paige shrugged. “I wanted to. Mallory told me about the job, and I applied with her. We work together at Kelly’s. The club.”
I knew the place. It was a bar that tried real hard to be a strip club without getting the right licenses for that. Basically, the servers did their jobs wearing bikini’s and if anyone got grabby, they were supposed to encourage it to sell more drinks and make more tips. Pretty fucking sleazy if you ask me, and that’s saying a lot coming from me.
“Kelly’s? The fuck are you doing working there?”
“Making fucking bank, that’s what. But this is supposed to pay better. And I need to make money. I have to leave my mom’s house.”
Before I could ask anything about that, Jakob came in.
“Ladies, ladies! You look fan-fucking-tastic. Emphasis on fucking. Are you ready to get started?” We both nodded. “Great! So for this first set I want you to both to sit on the sofa, next to each other. No, not like that. Close. Almost touching. Scooch in. There you go. Now slide you arms around each other…. Good. And with your other arm, put your hand over the other’s tit.”
“Wait, what?” Paige squeaked.
“You heard me, honey.”
“Wait. I wasn’t told I had to… touch and be touched.”
Jakob laughed, shaking his head. “What the fuck did you think we were doing here, huh? This ain’t Olan Mills.”
“I thought we were just posing cute!”
“No, honey. You’re posing sexy. The object is to make anyone clicking on this want to fuck you. The best way to do that, is to make it look like someone else is about to fuck you. Now come on, hands on tits.” Jakob waved his hand in a hurry up motion. I glanced at Paige, waiting for her to move her hand first. She was clearly scared, so there was no way I was gonna touch her first. I gave her a smile and what I hoped was an encouraging nod. She took a deep breath and moved her hand to my chest quickly, so quickly in fact that she almost slapped my tit instead of just laid her hand on it. I did my best not to react as I moved my hand over to hers. I laid my hand over her tit lightly, and felt her nipple immediately stiffen under my palm. Had to be the nerves.
“That’s better. Now turn to me and give me your best ‘fuck me’ face. Oh, those are good! Okay, move around a little, closer, put your faces close. Touch cheeks. Good… now kiss.”
Paige backed away with a start. “What? Wait a minute—”
“NO!” Jakob yelled so loud it startled me. I glared at him. “You wait a minute! If you’re gonna stop me every time I give a direction you didn’t expect, we’re never gonna get this done! Listen to me real close, little lady. Expect me to tell you to pose in any possible manner your pretty little head can think up, short of actually fucking her. That’s not until later.”
“HEY! I’m talking!” What the fuck was his problem? “I get it, you’re nervous. But you’re not gonna get comfortable with it unless you just throw yourself into it. Kinda like the cold water when you dive into a pool. Make sense?”
“I… I guess?”
“Good. Now dive the fuck in. Kandis, kiss her.”
“Just like that?”
“You heard me. I thought you were the one with no shame?”
“I am, but you could at least let her warm up first for fucks sake!”
Jakob lowered his camera just a little bit. Dive. In.”
I realized Paige and I were still holding each other’s tits when she jiggled mine just a little to get my attention.
“Just do it. I’ll be okay.”
“Are you—”
“Do it!!”
Fine. Fuck it. I leaned in and kissed her. Just lips on lips, nothing involved, since it’s just for show for the camera. Jakob started clicking.
“Thank you! Now was that so goddamn hard?”



There were other times when Jakob had lost his cool over one of the other women’s hesitation or objection to his suggestions. In fact, the only person who ever got him to back down from an idea that was too much, was me. I wondered… I looked up at Mallory, who was looking more and more nervous by the second.
“Do you want me to talk to him? It’s not cool just throwing this on you out of nowhere.”
“No. No. It’ll be fine. I can do it. I knew I would be eventually. I just wasn’t expecting it so soon.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Mallory smiled. “I appreciate it, though. If the shoot was with anyone else I might be more nervous. But you always make it so easy. Nothing bothers you, and it kinda rubs off.”
“A lot of things bother me, doll. I just have a good RBF.”
Mallory laughed. “You’ll have to teach me how to keep mine straight.”
“I can try. Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“I’m sure. Besides… the last thing I want to do is piss Jakob off on the day his business partner is arriving to check things out.”
Wait, what? “Business partner?”
“Yeah, you didn’t know? He’s got a guy with a fuckton of money backing this. Jakob has the industry knowledge but he needed capitol. He didn’t tell you about his partner?”
“No…” I found that weird, considering he’d told me about damn near everything else, including how the site was taking off faster than he expected and he was planning on expediting his timeline on moving from just sexy pictures and videos to actual, full-sex porn. He wanted me to star in the first one, as soon as he found ‘the perfect partner’ for me.
“Weird. Well, anyway, he’s coming by today. He’s apparently been busy with his other work, but has the time to spend a few weeks here. I’m kinda excited to meet him. Been a fan a while.” Mallory smirked, but I felt like I was missing something.
“A fan? What’s other work?”
Mallory blinked at me. “Wow, Jakob really didn’t tell you shit, did he?”
“No, he didn’t. Do I know this guy?”

Just then, Jakob came back in, clapping his hands. “Okay, okay, okay! SD card switched. Lets get this going. I want to finish this set before my guy gets here.” Jakob stopped and stared at us a moment. “Why are you still wearing those? Didn’t you check the list?”
“Yeah. I did. And Mallory here wasn’t aware that you planned to do nudes today.”
“Oh, she wasn’t? Well please accept my apologies for not clearing my creative decisions with the fucking talent.” Jakob rolled his eyes. He was in one of his moods.
“You don’t have to be an asshole, okay? We were just talking about to do the poses. It’s not like these are hard to take off.” I stood up, pulled at the knot behind my neck with one hand, and the bow tied on my hip with the other. Both pieces fell off me. “There. I’m ready.”
Mallory stared at me a second, then did the same as I did, only she had to shimmy a little to get her bottom off. “There. Now what?”
I had to hand it to her, Mallory had one hell of a game face, I don’t think she needed much instruction from me at all.
“Perfect! Kick those out of the way and get in the bed, kneeling.”


Twenty minutes and about twenty poses later, Jakob calls it.
“Great job, ladies! These are gonna do great numbers, I know it. Get dressed, my guy should be here any minute.”
“What guy?” I asked as I pulled a t-shirt on over my bare tits.
“My business partner. I told ya about him.”
“No, I don’t believe you did.”
“Sure I did! I had to have, you know him.”
“In that case, I would remember. And I don’t. So who is he?” I crossed my arms after getting my tights over my ass. Jakob just smirked. He waved at us to follow him.

We went downstairs and into Jakob’s office. Jakob went in first, followed by Mallory, then me. As soon as I stepped in, I stopped dead in my tracks as Jakob shook the hand of his apparent business partner.
“No fucking way.

Asher Hayes spun his head around at my voice, then smirked.

“Good to see you too, Kandis.”
“Fuck off.”
“See, I knew you knew him!”
“Jakob, you motherfucker! You never told me about this because you knew I wouldn’t have signed on if you did!” He shrugged with a guilty smirk. Essentially admitting I was right.
Asher spread his arms wide. “Oh come on, this isn’t wrestling. It’s a totally different industry. We can leave that bullshit in the ring.”
“The fuck we can!” I grabbed Jakob by the arm and stuck my finger in his face.
“Let’s get one thing perfectly clear right now. I don’t give a shit what’s in my contract, you can sue me if you want, but I am not fucking him! I pointed to Asher. He reacted overdramatically, with a hand across his chest.
“You mean again? I’m wounded.”
Jakob yanked his arm out of my hand. “Calm your tits, Kandis, no one is fucking him. He’s just the money.”
“Hey! I’d say I’m far more than that. But no, there won’t be any Asher Junior on screen. The world isn’t ready.”
“Thank fuck for that.”
I stood by in silence as Jakob introduced Mallory to Asher. I was in disbelief. Of all the rich motherfuckers in the world…
“I think I’m done for today, I’m getting out of here.”
“Wait, we’re not done. You’re a big part of the discussion we’re having and—”
“I said I’m done today.” Jakob may have his ways, moods, and moments, but so do I.
“What about—”
“Let her go, Jakey. She’s gotta process my presence and bitch to hubby about it.”
I spun around towards Asher, glaring once more. “One more thing before I go…” I stepped closer, pointing my finger in his face. Fuck. You.
“But you just said you weren’t doing that!”
I balled up my fists and practically growled to stop myself from punching him in his very punchable face.

Business partner. What the actual fuck?!




I’ll be damned.

Selena Frost made a miracle happen, y’all.

She got Kirsten Scott, The One, so fucking angry…. That she willingly decided to side with someone else, just to have a way, any way, to knock the bitch down several rungs.

In case you missed the memo at Breakdown, that someone else… is me.

Look, I know I said some shit about Kirsten when we fought. No one wanted to see her main event, no one cared to see her face Selena, and some other shit I’m not gonna repeat. Yeah, I said it. And at the time, I meant it. Then… Kirsten and I went toe to toe. And our match was fucked by Selena.

You know, for someone preaching integrity and trying so hard to keep people from interfering in her matches, she sure the fuck has nooo problem interfering in others. She did it to me and Kirsten. She did it to me in the fucking Flame! In fact, it seems like Selena just can’t keep her icy hands off me! Nevermind the fact she’s supposed to be preparing to be murdered by Xander Valentine at Rise to Greatness. Sure, she had a little conversation with him and claimed she’s focused on him.

But everyone knows the truth.

I’ve been in Selena’s head since last year’s Rise to Greatness. Never left it. I should have squatters rights by now, don’t you think? She keeps talking about how I’m a failed experiment, a fluke, a one hit wonder… but she can’t keep my name out of her mouth. She can’t leave me the fuck alone!

I’m okay with that though.

Because I’m not planning on leaving Selena the fuck alone. This isn’t even about the World Championship for me anymore. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still want it back, and I will get it back, all in due time. But for Selena… this is about principle. It’s about shutting her the fuck up and making her eat every last goddamn word she ever said about anyone she can’t stand, anyone she thinks is underneath her.

Let me tell you something, Selena. If you were half the woman and champion that you say you are, you wouldn’t stand behind all these contract clauses and bestie referees and a dozen security guys every time you step out of your locker room. You’re without a doubt the biggest hypocritical coward I’ve ever seen in this business. You don’t give a tenth of a fuck about honor or integrity. You only care about yourself. Once upon a time the same thing was said about me. Maybe that’s true in a way, since I don’t care what anyone else thinks about what I say, what or who I do, or who I am. I’m comfortable in my own skin, I don’t need validation from the public or my colleagues to feel like I’m important. I don’t have this superiority complex that you walk around with, wrapped around you like a filthy security blanket. I am just who I am, and that’s always threatened you, Selena. You can’t fathom the idea of someone who doesn’t take a breath without wondering how the world will react to it, or if it will advance them. I just live my life, and kick every ass that tries to get in my way. You found out the hard way last year exactly how I do that, and you’ve been trying to recover from it ever since.

Sure, you can claim you have. You’re carrying the championship now, and you have a win over me, which you claim as proof beat you by a fluke nevermind the fact that the only reason you got the drop on me was because your Personal Official Aaron Demitra got in my fucking way and stopped me from dropping you flat on your back again!

You really want to prove you’re better than all of us? Better than me? Come to the ring without Demitra in your pocket. Let’s get another official in there. Matter of fact, I’m on good terms with a guy who used to work for Emerge, I bet he could use the payday, and I kinda owe him a favor.

Let’s clear things up right now though, Selena. Despite the fact that you think everyone in SCW is beneath you, I am beneath no one in this fucking company, I’m the goddamn best wrestler in this business! You want to call me a one hit wonder? You’ll be wondering what the fuck happened when the Starmaker hits dead on and I knock your ass out with one hit!

I’ve done it before, doll. I can damn fucking sure do it again.

Kirsten and Polly are gonna be in the ring with us too, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s just you and me bitch. Sure, Kirsten and I have an understanding and we’ll have each other’s backs when it comes to standing up to you and putting shoving your own bullshit down your throat, but when push comes to shove, I’m the one who’s gonna be standing over your limp body as the crowd screams “Whore” along with my music.