
Breakdown 9-21-23


I know you want to know what happened during the break, the trip me and Tommy took to New York and then Indiana, find out what's in the box?? (Spoiler, it's not a head), and I promise I will talk all about it. Some pretty deep and heavy shit went down and I'm kinda still trying to make sense of it all. As soon as I have things sorted out enough to say something coherent about it all, I'll explain.

In the meantime, lemme pull up to just last week, after Breakdown where that freak Raab decided to stick his nose into my business for... reasons? Not only did he piss me the fuck off attacking me for literally no reason, but I wasn't the only one angry about it.

September 16
Santa Barbara
Drake's Condo

It was late afternoon when I drove up to Drake's place on Ledbetter Beach. It had only taken a few times of being driven there for me to remember how to get there. I let myself in with the key he'd given me, and saw through the sliding glass door that he was sitting outside on the large patio. I went to the fridge and grabbed myself a drink before going out. The sound of the door sliding open made Drake look up, and he smiled when he saw me.

“Hey, you're early.”

“Am I? I thought I got here exactly when I wanted to.” I sat in the chair next to him and kicked my sandals off.

“Perhaps. Still, I assumed you would be at least another hour, maybe two.”

He wasn't wrong to assume that, I'd never come over this early before. “Well, Tommy was already gone to the club, he said he didn't need me there tonight. So why would I just hang around the house by myself when I could just be here?” I sipped my beer. Drake doesn't like it much but he keeps it on hand for me.

“Escaping family issues, maybe?"

Drake knew all about everything that happened during the break. And was still happening. But I didn't go there to discuss any of that. Drake was my escape from all of that noise. I didn't mind telling him what was going on but I didn't want to dwell on it either. Luckily for me, he understood this, being a relatively private person himself. He never pushed me to talk about things I didn't want to, or wasn't ready for. Well... almost never.

"Not this time. I just wanted to see you as soon as I could."

I promise you, I'm not complaining.” He smiled again.

“I hope not. Because I could just leave...”

“Don't you dare.”

I smirked as I had another sip. “Empty threat. I wouldn't.”

“I'd come after you.”

“That'd be a sight, you running after me down the beach, in broad daylight.” I laughed. Drake shook his head.

“Quite.” He reached toward the side table on his other side and produced a glass, half-full of an amber liquid. Likely tequila.

“Ooh, I should have grabbed something harder. I'm still fucked up over Breakdown.”

“You're welcome to drink anything I have. I'm not surprised you're still angry. I wasn't pleased, either.”

“I didn't think you would be. Neither was Tommy for that matter. What the fuck was Komrad thinking?”

Drake shook his head before draining his glass. “That has always been the man's problem. He doesn't think. He needs others to think for him.”

I sat up a little straighter. “You think someone put him up to attacking me?”

“It's a possibility. There are many people targeting you since you became Champion.”

“I don't know... he's had a rage boner for me for years.” He once met with me and Tommy to apologize for insultling me and my ass. I'm pretty sure Minerva put him up to it.

“That is a good point. If he's carried this grudge against you for so long though, why has he not acted on it before now? Other than with words? He's been content to pick other fights, chase hardcore championships, for over a year now. Almost two! Now you're World Champion and all of a sudden he wants your attention again. If he thinks he should anywhere near the line in front of you, he is far more delusional than I ever thought.” Drake eyed me over his empty glass, a brow raised. “And that is saying a lot.”

“Oh I kmow it. Minerva told me some things and...” I shook my head, and then regretted bringing her up when I saw the look on Drake's face.

“Yes. She shared things with me, as well. Some of them, I wish she had kept to herself.”

“Same, doll. Same. I finished the beer, and set the bottle down on the ground. “Dudes been completely unhinged since she decided not to return and we disbanded the Jackals.”

“You mean, we kicked him out. And good riddance, too.”

“Maybe he just doesn't handle rejection well.”

“Perhaps. First Minerva left, then we turned our backs on him, and now all of SCW has done the same.” Drake nodded. “I think you are right.”

“I'm not sure why he was so surprised about us dropping his ass, we made it pretty clear, daily, that we only tolerated him for Minerva.”

Drake sighed, shaking his head some. “I tolerated entirely too much for her sake. One of the best choices I've made was to distance myself from her.”

I rememebered very well the day Drake told me that he and Minerva weren't hooking up anymore. She had this... fixation, or fetish, with humiliating Konrad as much as possibe, which included sexually. The thought of it made me gag and to this day I can't believe Drake put up with it for as long as he did. A thought came to mind.

“I'm sure that wasn't easy. I mean, you did care for her, right?”

“In some way, yes. But not.... not what you likely mean.”

I decided to leave that there and not dig any deeper. It didn't matter now anyway. I nodded, and changed track a bit. “Well, for whatever reason he decided to get in my business when he has no reason to be in it. He wanted my attention? He fucking has it, and he's gonna regret getting what he asked for. I was already mad to begin with after Hayes put his hands on my belt. You'd think he'd have known better than to fuck with me when I was already pissed!”

“As we've stated, thinking was never his strong point.”

“Yeah, well he found out later that night what fucking with me causes. He started something that I'm gonna finish, for good. I'm sick of his shit talking and name dropping me.”

“I admit I didn't expect to see you run out at that moment. It appeared as though you were coming to Glory and Brittany's aid.”

“I guess I kinda was... as a side effect. I just saw the motherfucker out there grinning like he's King Shit and I saw my shot to get him back.”

“And now next week you'll have the chance to do it officially.”

“Fucking right. When CHBK was announced as the man calling the shots now, I never thought I'd actually like the decisions he'd make.”

“Count me among the surprised.”

“I bet Konrad is glad he's being given what he wants, and has no idea that all the fans who want to see it too are just looking forward to seeing me beat him down.”

“That's what I am looking forward to. I'm also looking forward to the day when we no longer need to discuss the man at all.”

“If I have my way, that day will be next Thursday. I'll dust my hands of all his bullshit and move on to important things. Like Asher Hayes thinking he's somehow magically champion material just because its mine and he thinks he can beat me.” I scoffed. Asher had beat me once, that was true. But not the last time.

“His disrespect towards you and your championship is a much more important issue and deserves all of your attention.”

I sat back and let out a deep breath. I had gotten myself all worked up again, when what I really wanted when I came here was to relax.
“He'll get it, and he'll regret it, too. But for now...” I sat up, then gave Drake a grin. “My attention is on just two things.”

“Oh? What's that?” His own smirk was threatening to break through. He knew me too well.

“One... another drink to settle me down after I worked myself up again. And two...” I got up from my chair and sat on his lap, sidways. I grabbed his face with one hand. “You.” I pulled him closer and kissed him.

“Hmm. I think you'll soon be worked up yet again, although in an entirely different manner.”

“The drink can wait.”

I started to turn myself to be seated on him straddled, but instead he grabbed me and stood, lifting me up as he did. Sometimes I forget how crazy strong he is.

“But I can't.”

I was carried back inisde, directly to the bedroom.

Within a minute or so, everything SCW-releated was an afterthought. This was what I had wanted the moment I parked my car in the lot. A very welcome distraction from the nasty business I knew I had to handle the following week.



What is it gonna take for people to learn that fucking with me is hazardous to their health?

Kandis sits on the hood of her dark green Mercedes SUV, cross legged. Wearing a black halter top and... unknown bottoms cause all we can see are her legs.

Physical health, mental health... take your pick. I have a record of destroying both. I've broken legs, ribs, skulls, minds, hearts, spirits...

Kandis smirks.

I mean, all I did to Selena Frost was beat her from ring post to ring post and pin her, and now she's crumbled. Walked out of here without even bothering to trade pot shots with me. That's how you know she's truly defeated, when she has nothing left to run her mouth about. And if what I'm hearing backstage is true... she's done. Gone. Put SCW behind her. And listen dolls.. I didn't even have anything personal against the woman. I just found her completely insufferable.

Imagine what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna break.... when I get Konrad Raab in the ring.

Shaking her head, the amusement leaves Kandis' eyes and is replaced with venom.

Konrad... I'd ask you what the fuck you were thinking, attacking me out of nowhere, but I think everyone listening already knows the answer.

You weren't!

Because if you were.... you'd have known better. You'd have seen I was busy, that I already have a challenger for Apocalypse in Asher Hayes, and that you have zero involvement in any of it! I heard speculation that maybe you were the driver the night Asher attacked me, and Lyman had the same idea, and my driver disappeared. First of all... since I heard that was a possiblity I went and had this beauty detailed and sanitized, because you play around in far too much blood for me to take any risks. I even went and got myself tested for everything imaginable... just to be sure.

Secondly... I'm also being told that you've apparently been wanting to fight me for months now? If you've said so I wouldn't know, I don't keep up with your rantings. But you've known me long enough to know that if you want something from me, all you gotta do is be direct and ask me.

Clotheslining me down when I'm clearly busy is not asking me. That's just pissing me off, my dude.

Let's not pretend like we don't know each other here, okay? The Jackals existed. You, Minerva, Drake, Tommy, and me. I think you were the only person in the entire world who didn't see exactly what was going on, until Minerva decided to take her talents elsewhere after recovering from her injury, and the rest of us? Well, without her around we had no use for you. I sure the fuck had no intention of using you the way she did...

Kandis makes a disgusted face, shaking her head.

And I understand you were pissed off about that. She left you behind and we kicked you to the curb.

But do you know how long ago that was, doll?

I can't give you an exact date off the top of my head, but it's at least a year, probably closer to two. I mean fuck, it's been over a year since I blew my knee up and all of this shit happened way before that! And for all this time... you've festered in your anger, become some kind of blood fetishist, decided that running around trying to hurt people is more fun than trying to win things... and largely left me alone.

But now...

Kandis wags a finger in the air.

Now... I'm the motherfucking World Champion.

Now... you want to fuck with me again.

Now... you've suddenly remembered how much you hate me, because attacking me, starting shit with me, puts the spotlight on you. It's taken me a long time but I think I've finally figured you out, Konrad. You don't care about titles, or wins, or... anything really. Other than attention.

You want all the attention, all the time. You're a sadistic narcissistic attention whore, in ways that make even me look prudish. You let a womann lead you, a grown ass man, around by a fucking leash! You play with fire, throw blood around, carry a fucking six foot mace around.... anything and everything you can to outdo yourself.

This time, though? You've gone too fucking far!

The only reason you decided to finally proactively come after me instead of just taking cheap shots in promos – so I've heard – is because I'm the Queen of this place now, and fucking with me gets you more attention.

Kandis uncrosses her legs and scoots to the end of the hood, sliding off and onto her feet. We see now tha she's wearing black denim cut-off shorts to match the black halter.

You're going to regret ever getting my attention.

We could have kept on as we were, just existing in the same company, never needing to cross paths again with the Jackals being non-existant now. But no. You had to drag up an old grudge and get all up in my shit when I'm preparing to take on my first challenger as World Champion. You're gonna run your gums about abandonment and draining my blood and pain and fuck knows what else all, I can't listen to your babbling more than a minute or two.

You're fucking around, Konrad. And I've made it pretty clear what happens to people who fuck around with me.

Oen way or another... they find out.

Stepping up a bit, Kandis crosses her arms, staring boldly into the camera.

You're gonna find out a few things at Breakdown. One, I don't scare easily. Two, I'm not afraid of you, I know you too well. And three....

Kandis points to a small scar over her left eyebrow.

I'm not afraid to bleed.

After tomorrow night, I don't ever want or need to cross paths with you again. This is the end, you hear me motherfucker?

I'm done with you.

You can go back to bathing in blood, or whatever your new fetish is... I'll go back to doing champion shit.

Kandis smirks for a second before the video cuts.